selling a fake cryptocurrency

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by spy, Dec 16, 2022.

  1. spy


    NEW YORK, Dec 16 (Reuters) - A dual citizen of Sweden and the United Kingdom pleaded guilty to U.S. fraud and money laundering charges on Friday for selling a fake cryptocurrency alongside one of the United States' most-wanted fugitives, a woman referred to as the 'Cryptoqueen.'

    murray t turtle and Sekiyo like this.
  2. The Cryptoqueen is dead. The Saudis got her.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  3. spy


    Long live the cryptoqueen!
    jys78 likes this.
  4. Overnight


    "...Ignatova disappeared in late 2017 after bugging an apartment belonging to her American boyfriend and learning he was cooperating with an FBI probe into OneCoin, Williams said. She boarded a flight from Bulgaria to Greece and has not been seen since, he said."

    There's a song for her, since she is off skiing in Switzerland...

    spy likes this.
  5. didn't last long
  6. easymon1


    Crypyo Laundry Pikers... Observe the pros in action...

    HSBC's Money Laundering Scandal

    Marc L. Ross, JeFreda R. Brown
    HSBC Holdings' (HSBC) agreement to pay a $1.9 billion fine to regulators for serving as a middleman for Mexican drug cartels and enter into a deferred prosecution agreement points to a lack of adequate control processes in compliance and anti-money laundering.1 Given the bank's size, it appears that it and some of its peers are too big to jail because they are too big to fail.

    ...For extra credit, Who was the icon of US law enforcement served on the board of directors of HSBC Holdings? Ten seconds Bob:
    spy likes this.
  7. VicBee


    Can you imagine the number of thugs looking to fleece her? She will never again sleep soundly...
  8. The funny thing, is she already had prior criminal investigations on her in Europe, etc. But none of these fancy investors, not even the BANK managers who bought into her OneCoin did even basic due diligence.
    easymon1 likes this.
  9. VicBee


    If I was her I'd be less worried about the cops than the blades willing to extract a couple mills from under her mattress.
  10. Good God - As of November 2022, there are 21,844 cryptocurrencies in existence.
    However, not all cryptocurrencies are active or valuable. Discounting many “dead” cryptos leaves only around 9,314 active cryptocurrencies.

    probably, dogecoin is going to die if Elon Musk decides he's not going to be its banker anymore. he's richer than many banks in the world.
    #10     Dec 16, 2022