Sell side vs buy side, Evil vs good

Discussion in 'Options' started by Aquarians, Jul 29, 2019.

  1. I just watched one of you guys teared to shreds on Wilmott. Ever seen the pitbuls there take PLEASURE in what they do to you?

    For the record, what's "sell side" and "buy side" once and for all?

    As I see it, sell side is beggars. Buy my prostitute services, me fuck you long time. Buy side is me, Russia.
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    I'm sell-side and my clients are buy-side. Buyer of service vs seller of service.
  3. Mr Morse,

    you're decent. Never attacked me like some trolls on this site so I've no problem with you. We all sell something, even the buyers, so it's important to stay decent to each other.

    Other than that, this is the longest site apart from Wilmott where I resisted so much under my original nickname.
  4. Handle123


    A.B.C.= Always Be Closing

    Whether selling in business or Opinions, we all do it, one side is selling and other taking it or not.

    Block the trolls, they eventually all leave at some point. Out live them HAAA
    Nobert likes this.