Seeking Significance in Insignificance

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Arthur Deco, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. In contradistinction to my anagramous associate Duref Mudgins, I make no secret of my loathing for the work of Sigmund Freud, a perv if ever there was one. I reserve my reserved admiration for Carl Jung, one of whose most famous insights was "All psychology is autobiography." Which led to my most famous insight: "All trading is autobiography." But I write today not to glorify Jung, nor to reflect in his basked glory, but to vilify ET and all its active posters, some more than others, and you know who you are. I love Jung so much because his deep appreciation of archetypical dreams allows me to ascribe lofty significance to my own banal and prosaic dreams. And what dream could be more banal and prosaic than one of posting on ET? My trembling waking analysis of this dream required that I fortify myself with several mimosas sans OJ. The conclusion was not pretty: I desperately seek to find significance in my own demonstrable insignificance by posting on ET. And my long and undistinguished career here as your post-eminent trading psychologist leads me to conclude that all my fellow ET posters likewise are insignificant toads fantasizing that your vacuous posts confer significance upon you in the eyes of anyone other than yourselves. There being no dearth of insignificant wannabee traders, the health of ET is eternally assured. Comments are unwelcome.
  2. Stop drinking "girly" booze. :cool:
  3. Redneck


    Hell just become a legend in your own mind – that seems to suffice most :p

    Take Care

  4. Lucrum


    But for the risk of being seen as "Seeking Significance in Insignificance", I would...comment that is.
  5. Thank you all for your unkind replies. Whever I find myself feeling self-important and thinking that I have something of value to offer the trading community, pomposity deflation is only a post away. I am now temporarily in remission. I heartily recommend this to certain of my fellow ETer's who are prone (that also means "lying down") to post and say too much, while signifying too little.
  6. Yes, there is nothing quite like Jung love.
    Ouch! Acupuncture for the ego.
  7. Make yourself a set of SWD's (jprad's for short).

    SWD's are undetectable using search....LOL.... under the radar...

    Search Orwell, Einstein or Leonardo; they inspired the SWD.
  8. Whever I find myself feeling self-important and thinking that I have something of value to offer the trading community, pomposity deflation is only a post away.

    Avoid reading the responses. :cool:


    If no one replies, quit re-reading your own posts.

    We have to keep this internet going.
  9. Oh, god! I have to go kill myself now! As proof positive of my insignificance, Jack replied! That gurgling sound you hear is bllod from my jugular gushing onto the keyboard. That is hard to do with blunt fingernails...
  10. Redneck


    :eek: :p :p
    #10     Dec 23, 2009