Seeking advice on profitable longer-term investment strategies

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by abrakadabr17, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. Hello guys,

    I developed a website ( that lets users parametrize and statistically optimize longer-term investment strategies/strategy portfolios operating on stocks.

    I wonder if you could suggest me some technical reasonably profitable strategies that I could integrate and open for users on my website?

    The platform is quite generic and I can plug-in any strategy that switches b/w investment banks, stocks and cash as a function of its state plus any combination of indicators.

    So far, the strategies I added are relatively simple, like gradually buying on a dip and selling on recovery, following some of the standard indicators, maintaining multiple investment banks at different leverages and transferring money b/w them, etc.

    You advice would be highly appreciated!

    Thank you.
  2. TheBigShort


    Hey! I had a very similar idea in mind. Looks like you are beating me to it. Nice job!

    Would you mind telling me what program you are using to display your dashboard?

    CANSLIM was supposedly a long term strategy that did very well. You might need to get your hands on some fundamental data tho.
  3. Thank you! I am not sure what you mean by the dashboard. In general, there's no program. It is a website and a back-end all programmed specifically for this purpose. And I use Google charts.

    Thanks a lot for the suggestion! Will look it up.
  4. guru


    Impossible to browse on my iPhone, just to see what’s there and what it’s about.
    The screen size is fine on mobile but scrolling pages up and down, and opening menus and sections is so slow that I cannot read anything. It takes 5 seconds for anything to move, open, or react. Looks like some very slow website framework not usable on mobile.
  5. dozu888


    This... and OP you can check where the fundamentals are used to generate a 'synthetic value score'.... and I think if you can also incorporate public sentiment (e.g. AAII sentiment, put/call, vix, social media, google trends).. this should provide some edge to retail investors.
    drm7 likes this.
  6. Thanks a lot, will check it out!
  7. Thank you very much for your feedback! Sad to hear the UI wasn't responsive enough. You mean it's not the problem of you data connection speed?

    I hoped to just be able to provide the general idea of the functionality to the mobile user. The simulation/optimization is meant to be used on a desktop (it's kind of hard to make it usable on the phone).

    What do you think of the general idea of the website? Do you think it could be usable for the retail investor? Would you use it yourself (if it were more responsive)?
  8. What do you think of the general idea of the website? Do you think it could be usable for the retail investor? Would you use it yourself?
  9. Oh. I see you are referring to the "How it works" webpage. Right? It's just the GIFs are not on the CDN and loading slowly. It's not that the actual web framework is slow.