Securing successful strategy from the broker stealing it

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by yoyotrader, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. Atikon


    Nowadays I believe even some Hedgefunds can join an MFT, so no problem distributing your Bids and Asks the way that ppl don't get behind it if you are small enough. This was one problem for Medallion. They perfected it, when Algo Trading was just starting out but they struggled with it aswell acc. to "The Man who solved the market" book
    #21     Apr 27, 2020
  2. RedDuke


    i could not care less. looks like i hit a nerve. I gave you an advice that will help. The idea is to spread orders over different brokers. Reverse engineer is almost impossible, but if a broker does not see full strategy, it becomes truly impossible.

    I have been in the same shoes, and that is why I called you novice, only novice will ask such a question. You will get what I am saying if you trade long enough.

    You biggest worry should be positive expectancy, the rest does not matter much.
    #22     Apr 27, 2020
    dennis86, Ayn Rand and yoyotrader like this.
  3. qaz


    I am referring to the broker not staffs within the brokerage company. The brokerage industry is in the risk business. In fact every company takes risk to make money. The bottom line is to be as profitable as possible to please shareholders. So my question still stands :

    In the context of you being a consistently profitable trader.

    Do you think it is more profitable for the broker to:

    1. Just Charge commissions
    2. Free commissions but follow your trades
    3. Charge commissions and follow your trades
    #23     Apr 27, 2020
  4. qaz


    Spreading out trades among different brokerages might work to obfuscate only if you have a multi legged strategy.
    #24     Apr 27, 2020
  5. RedDuke


    not necessarily unless you trade single instrument, single strategy and single direction. Send longs to one and shorts to the other. Alternate, if short term, do random switches and so on.

    But it is all secondary, the main and most important ingredient is positive expectancy.
    #25     Apr 27, 2020
  6. ironchef


    You think the reason your profitable trading method suddenly becomes unprofitable because your broker front run you or copy-trade you? Could it be you were fooled by randomness?

    Of course I am a newbie with unremarkable trading results so I don't worry about broker stealing my trades.
    #26     Apr 27, 2020
    comagnum likes this.
  7. Thats funny. I heard stories that brokers are following you to actually get opposite side of your trade, especially when they spot that the order is coming from likely uninformed people (retail).
    #27     Apr 27, 2020
    drm7 likes this.
  8. Sig


    Seriously, stop flattering yourself OP. If you have had several years of consistently showing alpha with minimal drawdowns, this is something you need to worry about. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that hasn't happened, therefor comparing yourself to big hedge funds which are about the only folks who actually might need to worry about this is just mental masturbation at this point. This is somewhere around issue number 74 for you to worry about in your list of issues at this point. If you're fixated on it then you're not going to work on the preceding 73 items and you'll never need to worry about this one. And seriously, you've got to be at least to 25th person I've seen post this line of question here....not a one of them actually delivering long-term alpha and most just disappear when they run out of money on their losing strategy. Could be that would have happened regardless, but their inability to rationally prioritize the issues the needed to overcome to be successful no doubt contributed.
    #28     Apr 27, 2020
  9. Again, no need to be passive aggressive. 74 or 73, I asked a simple question. If you find it redundant, just carry-on.
    #29     Apr 27, 2020
  10. Sig


    I don't think the term passive aggressive means what you think it means. It means to be indirect and avoid direct conflict instead of just clearly and concisely saying what you mean and meaning what you say. With that in mind, to be perfectly clear and not in the least passive aggressive; I'm telling you that you're being a paranoid fool, just another in a long line of similar fools who have graced us with this same question. Did that fix the passive part for you?

    And by the way, if you saw me posting a question that demonstrated I was clearly naive or not seeing something clearly, I would surely hope you would very directly let me know that as well.
    #30     Apr 27, 2020
    SunTrader and Overnight like this.