Second War Has Begun

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ertrader1, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. Again, I think that you are sadly mistaken about a number of things that you assume to be true regarding our military in Iraq, and the troops abililty for "readiness" and "effectiveness".

    I am not a leftist, nor am I a liberal, nor am I any of the absurd "labels" that you so conveniently used in your last post on this thread regarding my statement about General Shinseki and how the Administration's policy has once again undermined our military strength in Iraq.

    I guess you missed the interview last night on CNN of a member of the Senate Armed Forces Committee who was extremely upset at the fact that we don't have enough troops over in Iraq, let alone the fact that "the civilians told the military a year ago that they would not have any decision-making capability in post war Iraq." He went on to say that he hoped that the "civilians" were finally now listening to the senior military leaders over there now. Care to take a guess as to who the "civilians" might be? Just a guess?

    And when the CNN anchorman asked this member of the Senate Armed Forces Committee who he heard this from . . . this is what his answer was:

    General Franks

    #61     Apr 10, 2004
  2. So it was okay for you to label me but not the reverse?

    Yeah, darnit, and it really bothers me that I missed that OBJECTIVE bit of news reporting.

    That's a broad statement that needs some clarification. What kind of decision-making? Political? That makes sense. Tactical? Doesn't make sense. What kind?

    "heard it from General Franks." (Should the sound of thunder go here at the mention of his name?) Now you're going to post unsubstantiated so-and-so-heard-it-from-so-and-so? LOL!
    #62     Apr 10, 2004
  3. You obviously enjoy "arguing" for the sake of "arguing" and your partisan rhetoric is just that . . . rhetoric that is unsubstantiated by fact.

    I have no further interest in presenting facts to you.
    You are deaf, dumb, and blind . . . never once even admitting that anyone in the Bush Administration has "miscalculated" or "misrepresented" this Invasion of Iraq. For you, there is always an excuse for the Bush Administration.

    You are so "drunk" with the Bush Administration "propaganda" that Hermann Goebbels would be proud.

    #63     Apr 11, 2004
  4. LOL! Waggie, this is just what I expected from you. In the absence of an intelligible response to my queries, you are left only with more hot air. In other words, you throw in the towel. Surrender accepted. Adios.
    #64     Apr 11, 2004
  5. McCain expressed some very serious conerns about lack of troop strength on NBC's "Face The Nation" this morning,stating that the U.S. Army and the Marine Coprs mjust be expanded overall and that the Administration has underestimated the need for more troops in Iraq.

    McCain also goes onto remark that the $71 billion dollar Air Force F/A-22 Fighter program might have to be scrapped, along with the Boeing 767 mid-air refueling tankers.

    Yeah, no problem.
    Just another "miscalculation" by the Bush Administration.
    This war isn't costing us anything in military "readiness" and "effectiveness" . . . Thanks Dubya, you're the Best!
    #65     Apr 11, 2004