SEC studying new version of uptick rule, Cox tells congress, SEC rule might rely on '

Discussion in 'Trading' started by bdon, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. bdon


    SEC studying new version of uptick rule, Cox tells congress, SEC rule might rely on 'nickel or dime' increment, not penny- Bloomberg

    what will all the penny, rebate programs do???????
  2. Complete and utter bullshit.

    They know the storm thats coming and are boarding up the windows.
  3. Yes. Just blame short seller for the depressing stock price of bad business.
  4. What would you expect? Connecticut took over the entire short selling industry, and put on sheeps' clothing. They muddled short selling and nakedshortselling/short/distort. Now, everyone pays the price. this was so obvious as to be non news worthy. they leave with billions. You guys get jobs. Really quite simple.

    I do believe I was the lone wolf on this for a long, long time. And I also believe I predicted a wave of regulation, which just now is coming on shore.

    When you see wrong, speak up, or suffer the fools.
  5. nickel or dime increments... so they can sweep the book for 10 cents then they have to stay pegged to the offer?
  6. The nickel and dime increment is to bring the NYSE back to profitability. They can't make any money now because all the volume went electronic. So, they've decided to rig the game a little so they can make their now public company profitable for the shareholders. I wonder who the shareholders (bagholders) are? Some powerful motherf'ers.