SEC charges insurance agent with $1.27 million Ponzi scheme

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by dealmaker, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. dealmaker


    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. truetype


    "Guaranteed returns of between 10% and 30% from investments he would make on their behalf" -- heck, that's very modest performance by ET standards!
  3. dealmaker likes this.
  4. SabreMan


    That is because us Elite Traders generate highly leveraged day trading profits.

    $500 to control $140,000 notional

    300:1 leverage means at least 300% a year profits
  5. Jack1960


    30% is peanuts for elite traders.
  6. For "elite traders", true. If only it were true for Elete Traders traders.

  7. mlawson71


    The thing is, 10% is low enough for a layman to believe this is not a Ponzi scheme...