Searching for a trustworthy online service for this year's taxes

Discussion in 'Taxes and Accounting' started by FreakofNature, Feb 27, 2017.

  1. Had a very good 2016 year, my best by far, and I think this year I deserve to pay for someone to do my taxes so I can concentrate on the important and enjoyable stuff, family and work itself. I find filing so tedious and frankly, a professional will save me money.

    Anyone online that can be recommended for this task that is efficient and trustworthy?

    I traded futures, stocks, options plus my wife holds a full time job.

    Thanks for any recommendation.
  2. Big AAPL

    Big AAPL

    Well I use turbo tax and it is fairly easy for futures and options, however it may be a bit clunky for stocks. The price is awesome.
  3. java


    google green trader tax
    suggest using tradelog for record keeping, You can just click a button and it will download all tax info into tax act or turbo tax (although I hear green and I know tradelog prefers tax act over turbo.
    But if you just want to be done with it Green is the Man.

    edit, pretty sure it's not too late to buy tradelog for 2016, highly recommend it
    speedo and sysdevel99 like this.
  4. I use IB and it allows u to download turbotax format. Will I still require tradelog?

    Thanks to you and everyone above for the suggestions.
  5. java


    Yeah, I use ib also. Perhaps that is new with turbo tax. With Turbo tax you are probably only talking about 1 afternoon if it will import from ib. Turbo use to have a records limit which is why many active traders use tax act, but my info may be old. I like turbo tax, I use it for my family. Tradelog is pretty nice, you can get a free 30 day trial. Takes like 5 min start to finish to get it up and running, they do everything for you, they have an ib button you push to import anytime you want from ib,even in the choose a name file it says Would you like to use java 2016 tax file for a name?
  6. GotherL


    I learned to do my own taxes indeed it is a tedious chore esp when when you done over 200,000 shares of trades.
  7. Been using Turbotax and so far its importing IB stuff as if it was Excel, very solid and easy so far. Now, does it have the algorithms to save you money like a CPA would? I highly doubt it.