searching for a good Trading Software Platform...

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by newsatten, Feb 21, 2004.

  1. looking for something similar to Redi Plus that also features:
    1.) trailing stops [both by dollar amount and by price percentage] and that can be set GTC...
    2.) the ability to create multiple timeframes on charts that are accessible via one-click tabs, as is possible with RealTick... for example, each of the following would be a separate tab -- intraday 1 min, intraday 5 min, 2 day 5 min, 5 day 15 min, 10 day 30 min, daily, weekly, monthly, etc...
    3.) the ability to view multiple indicators on chart simultaneously and each in their own separate window pane below main price/volume area of chart, as is standard for charts...
    4.) hotkeys that are accessible via one-click onscreen icons, similar to SunGuard's Brass platform where icons can be created and stacked to the sides of the level 3 quote montage... [a few hot icon buttons can be created on Redi as well]... for example, one-click: Hit/Take, Join Best Bid/Offer [or Both], Definable Amount Better Than Best Bid/Offer [or Both], Cancel-Replace, etc... as well as an of these ECN-specific...
    5.) ADX indicator [configurable]
    6.) chart notations [drawn trendlines etc] which remain until deleted, as well as transfer to same chart different timeframe...
    7.) offers penny per share commission structure [% of a penny per share etc]...

    have sufficient assests under management that minimum dollar requirements should not be a limiting issue...

    if opinion is that Redi is one of best Platforms out there please note this and rank best competing platforms...

    thanks much...
  2. Then get a good charting package and a separate good trading platform.

    Some Swiss army knives have a fork and several knives. Would you use it to eat lunch daily?

  3. as far as I know, trailing stops are a function of the back office operations of your brokerage. I am pretty sure that the exchanges do not accept trailing stop orders.

    same with OTC stops.

    so what you are looking for is not as much a matter of a platform, but a broker that will accommodate your needs AND has compatibility with a platform you like.

    then assuming you find a brokerage that provides these services, I would imagine there is a cost for them.

    you get what you pay for.

    I have used Redi Plus. No trailing stops (through SLK). I have also used an internal platform for a proprietary firm that had trailing stops for both listed and otc stocks. but their platform is not available to the public.

    I was never impressed at all with Redi Plus. Maybe it is improved now. I have not used it in almost a year. These platforms are always being upgraded.

    good luck, and keep us posted as to what, if anything, you find that suits your needs. I tend to doubt that anything will do it all. you will, as has been already said by IndexTrader, probably have to assemble a variety of programs and find a way to trade with them comfortably. I would not expect that everything can be integrated into one "super platform".
