
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Banjo, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Banjo


  2. Oh, good god... Mish is really hunting arnd, far and wide, to find crap like this.
  3. Banjo


    He has to deliver a new load every day.:D
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    How much do you actually get paid to defend the Fed/ECB? :)
  5. yeah it's outrageous and downright mean to expose the pampered class.
  6. Well, you know what they say about everything looking like a nail, when all you have is a hammer? Obviously, to you, everything I say looks like a defense of the Fed/ECB. That's a pre-conceived notion of yours and there's not much I can (or want) to do to disabuse you of it. So, and you can believe this as much or as little as you like, the article suggests that the ECB employees want their pension funds to take the same steps to hedge inflation as every other pension fund out there (i.e. buy inflation-linked bonds or other real assets). There's nothing unreasonable about that, as far as I can see. Of course, Mish has a particular worldview and anything and everything that he can find that somehow reinforces that view adds fuel to the fire, even when/if there's a perfectly simple and legitimate explanation.
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao


  8. Is that what passes for witty repartee in your neck of the woods?

    Seriously, there's no need to further demonstrate that you've made up your mind. It's all neither here nor there, as far as I'm concerned.
  9. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Relax, ghoul. You may be a fed apologist, but you're my favorite fed apologist.

    Takin' the piss, that's all.
  10. Dude, I am as relaxed as can be... I am also just f*ckin' w/you, if I could put it gently like that.
    #10     Apr 16, 2012