Scroll-snapping behaviours in iPhones

Discussion in 'App Development' started by deanstreet, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. I have 3 sections on the landing page. When a user scrolls down from the 1st section, I want it to snap to 2nd-section. The snap-point is start of 2nd section. So the user can then scroll back up or down from 2nd section.

    The problem is that for iphones, I can't scroll down to 3rd-section from 2nd because the page keeps snapping back to the snap-point. It works on Android phones or other browsers except iPhones. Please advise.

    Below is the overview of the page.

    <main id="landing-container">
    <main id="page1">
        <section><p>I love Trump's asshole</p>
    <main id="page2">
        <section><img src="asshole.jpg">
    <main id="page3">
       <section><p>Labradors are angels</p>
    #landing-container {
        scroll-snap-type: y proximity;
        scroll-snap-stop: normal;
        scroll-behavior: smooth;
        -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
        overflow-y: auto;
        height: 100vh;
    #page1 {
        scroll-snap-align: start;
    #page2 {
        scroll-snap-align: start;
        overflow: auto;
  2. d08


    Isn't this more of a StackOverflow question rather than ET?
  3. Thank you for your helpful advice and I decided to simply use js to see if the browser is (likely) a Safari and if so disable scroll snapping.

    $(document).ready(function() {
    var platform = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();
    var ios = ["iphone", "ipad", "mac"]; //keyword that should show in navigator.platform if browser is safari
    //set boolean to check if device is apple
    var safari = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < ios.length; i++) {
      if ( platform.includes(ios[i]) ) {
        safari = 1;
    if (safari) {
      $("#container").css("scroll-snap-type", "none");