Scott Warners book about geometry and cycles in markets

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Johan293, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. Johan293


    Bought them for $1000-1500. I am not smart enough but perhaps you are. He has made many millions trading futures.
    Selling them for $100.
  2. Johan293


    Books. Three books.
  3. Girija


    Give to your local library and claim as charitable cause.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  4. No one will describe the methods of earning in books if they really work and you can earn a lot yourself. Good ideas are possible. So it is likely that they are of little use.
  5. rb7


    I would be just curious to take a look at them to see how can a guy pay that much money for 3 books!!!
    murray t turtle and Nobert like this.
  6. I dunno know about this guy's works. But years ago when I was included in Steve Shellins' "MoniResearch Newsletter", he noted the WORST performance* as a group were those who claimed their primary methodology was "cycles". Therefore and now... any time I hear someone touting the merits of "cycle analysis"... I dismiss anything they have to say. FWIW...

    * Which groups were the best? Seasonal, and Relative Strength rotation.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  7. maxinger


    If the publisher sells the book at a very low price,
    the buyer would think the book content is of inferior / questionable quality.
    If the publisher sells the book at a very high price.
    then the buyers would think the book content is of superior quality.

    if it is given to me free, I'd put it in the fireplace to keep my room warm.
    beginner66 likes this.
  8. SunTrader


    Hard cover?
  9. ph1l


    This is an example of why deflation is an economic problem. Why buy now if you expect the price to go lower?:)
  10. Girija


    True, the other way of looking at it is if your expected buyer domain is a dozen ppl, you have to price the book at 10,000 dollars to breakeven.
    #10     Jul 9, 2021