Scoring narcotics online

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Rearden Metal, Oct 5, 2003.

  1. :D
    #21     Jan 27, 2004
  2. Oh please. I've been doing drugs for years. No depths, no despair- just responsible enjoyment. You want to punish everyone, just because some people can't handle their narcotics? That's called prohibition, and it NEVER FUCKING WORKS.
    #22     Jan 27, 2004

  3. Right....Drugs are already prohibited yet look at the despair its causing on our inner city kids.....I think its wonderful you have been enjoying drugs for years and are not addicted...Im sure your parents are very proud....but if you look at the havoc hard core narcotics have caused on our society you would have to agree that there is something terribly wrong....Look at nicotine in cigarettes....i believe that that is also classified as a narcotic....everyone wants to enjoy their cigarettes and live their life blah blah blah......but when their lung fills up with blood after 30 years of smoking ...OOPS!!!! tHEY choose this route but they want somebody to pay for health care costs because they couldn't get insurance and also want to sue the tobacco industry and the state for allowing them to smoke for 30 years....what a crock!!! There should be a life long waiver signed by anybody who smokes or does these hardcore drugs that frees society from the burden of taking care of them...THAT IS TRUE libertarianism...FREE US FROM THEM!
    #23     Jan 27, 2004
  4. TM, do you think you're disagreeing with me? Of course it's NOT the government's job to take money by force from the haves to pay the healthcare costs of the have-nots. If private voluntary charities wish to help the poor with their health care, terrific...but this clearly is not a legitimate function of government. I'd do away with 90-something percent of lawsuits too....but prohibition has got to end.

    <b>Personal responsibility, freedom & capitalism.</b>
    #24     Jan 27, 2004
  5. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest you realize your whole world has shrunk into one little pill? You are spending the trading day looking for drugs. Please get yourself some help dude before it is too late.:(
    #25     Jan 27, 2004
  6. You're so off base here, it's not even funny. I'm currently simultaneously playing in two $200+15 entry poker tournaments on party poker...where I make 5 figures monthly. Every time you see me posting on ET, I'm likely playing poker on 2 of my other monitors. I play waaay better on opiates, since they effectively curb my ADHD.

    You 'just say no' prohibitionists have no idea what's good for other people, you just think you do. Not to mention that your gluttony & obesity is probably far worse for your body than my drug use is for mine. Please get yourself some help dudette before it is too late. :(
    #26     Jan 27, 2004

    laws lag society.

    back when you couldn't buy beer, some people who were ahead of their time thought it was wrong that they couldn't. enough people FOUGHT THE LAW and eventually it changed to what we have today.

    in the present day, it's being repeated again. today there are people like RM and myself who definitely believe at least some drugs which are illegal now should be legal. eventually there will be enough momentum to overthrow it.


    example: that cheech or chong guy....he's in trouble for selling bongs.. that guy is ahead of his time and is getting f###ed by laws that are lagging society.

    the problem is, everyone can say their viewpoint is lagging society. not all will be right, but some people really will be right and get screwed. :(
    #27     Jan 27, 2004
  8. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    Lie to yourself if you want to. I do not believe look pretty stupid from where I sit. Advertising in a public forum for drugs? Lying too. Please never PM me again with that bullshit about needing Oxycontin for depression. Here you claim to have ADHD. And play poker for a living. Hello, we are equities traders here!

    You want to get thrown in prison and be butt buddies with a guy named Bubba? You know how easy it is for anyone to find out who you are? Bob used to be a cop. You really picked to wrong person to screw with.
    #28     Jan 27, 2004

  9. I just love it when you talk dirty!:D .....what is going on here?
    by the way ADHD....what the f* is that? addict Doing Hard Drugs??? :D :D :D
    #29     Jan 27, 2004
  10. Maverick74


    Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
    #30     Jan 27, 2004