Scientists slowly proving the bible is right.

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by peilthetraveler, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. Wallet


    I guess when historians write about WWII or other events like the Revolutionary war in the past they are writing fiction.?

    Since his crucifixion is placed around 33 A.D. a mere +/- 17 years is too long for you I assume. Taking into account there was little in the way to mass produce writings in that time other than some hand copying by some scribe.

    Once again Stu, your wrong, and posting out your back side. Jesus was/is real wither you want to believe it or not. Debate his Divinity but not if he was some fictional figure... this makes you look stupid.
    #31     Dec 12, 2010
  2. stu


    Historians must base their claims on substantive corroborated verifiable evidence of the time, not on myth and legend in story form.

    It does of course take a lot more than making false or unsupportable claims and then calling people names for something or someone to become historical.

    However I do appreciate how unsavory to personal feeling and sensibilities it can be, to have facts expose long held religious assertions as completely false .
    #32     Dec 12, 2010
  3. Wallet


    A small list of the many Pagan and Anti-Christian sentiment Greek/Roman/Jewish writers all commenting against Jesus and his followers, not against there existence, which was taken as fact.... but either mentioning them in historical reference or trying to dispel their significance to events that happen prior.

    Thallus 52 AD and quoted again by Julius Africanus in 221 AD trying to explain the darkness and earthquake that coincided Jesus' crucifixion.

    Pliny the Younger 61-113AD, in a letter to the Roman emperor Trajan mentions Christos and Christians

    Suetonius was a Roman historian and annalist of the Imperial House under the Emperor Hadrian. His writings about Christians describe their treatment under the Emperor Claudius (41-54AD):

    Cornelius Tacitus 56-120 AD He was a senator under Emperor Vespasian and proconsul of Asia. His writings talk of the Christians and the fact that Nero blames the Christians for the great fire.

    Mara Bar-Serapion 70AD Syrian philosopher writes of the Sufferings of Jesus.

    Phlegon (80-140AD) In a manner similar to Thallus, Julius Africanus also mentions a historian named Phlegon who wrote a chronicle of history around 140AD. In this history, Phlegon also mentions the darkness surrounding the crucifixion in an effort to explain it:

    There's many more and not even going into the Jewish writers that denounce Jesus' claims.

    You'd be proud Stu, there's been people for the last 2000 years all writing against Jesus, but not that he existed, they all acknowledge that fact, they denounce him as God.
    #33     Dec 12, 2010
  4. jem


    this from the guy who does not accept
    dictionary definitions.

    does not accept the fact that every recognized scholar in the field (ie has a job at a university) acknowledges the historicity of Jesus,

    and the list goes on and on.
    #34     Dec 12, 2010
  5. stu


    It's possible to go into detailed explanation why non of the names you give are accepted as providing historical evidence for a Jesus, but in my experience it's a waste of time to do that here on ET.

    The fact is, claims made for the historical Jesus have ALL been either uncorroborated one-offs or highly questionable sources or invented by Christian apologists and carried through the centuries being perpetuated to this day.

    One or all of those descriptions fits all the references you've supplied.

    Thing is, if you don't want to examine and question what you are told by religious instruction, you'll never have a normal healthy critical eye toward anything it tells you to believe.
    #35     Dec 13, 2010
  6. Bwahahaha, this is great.

    Just what I expected from peil the delusional, fuck me, are you still even alive?

    Ok, trick question-what where the REAL names, of matthew, mark, luke and John? Any Christians here?
    That's right assholes, your worshipping and reading FAKE names.

    It's anglicised bullshit, via the new testament-via, the greek, and german translations.

    What were the disciples REAL NAMES, huh? They spoke fucking aramaic, or latin. At best.

    How can anyone justify this preposterous FORGERY, via....what was it, john the baptist, and fellow crones? Did john the baptist speak jesus's tongue, (Aramaic) or did he simply make up a bunch of shit coz he was fucking nuts.
    Take one language, turn it into many, fuck me, that's a tower of babel, right fucking there.

    Actually, that wasn't a trick question-I want to know, what are the REAL names of the disciples? what were their REAL names?
    #36     Dec 13, 2010
  7. While the previous post was a bit over the top, the point made is absolutely valid...

    Most Bible scholars, as far as I know, agree that the modern version of the Bible contains so many "editorial revisions" and arbitrary amendments that it's actually very difficult to treat it as a historical document. There are a few specific examples of this, but none more striking than the treatment of Mary Magdalene.
    #37     Dec 13, 2010
  8. Wallet


    Nice try Stu, just like your earlier post, you post your unsubstantiated opinion as fact and expect everyone one else to jump through hoops, I pointed the direction so those who care can dig for themselves, read the documents and make up their own minds.

    I listed just a few from the pagan side, there's many, many more but the best are found from the Jewish Rabbi's from that time and later, who wanted to dispel the Divine claims of Jesus and his followers as they represented an open defiance to the orthodox Jewish religion . If they wanted to expose a fraud, that Jesus never existed, they had every opportunity to do so but didn't.

    The TRUE FACT is that there's overwhelming historical evidence substantiating the life of Jesus, modern day atheism tries to revise history to match their beliefs.

    Tired of the subject.
    #38     Dec 13, 2010
  9. Einstein on Buddhism

    Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. -Albert Einstein

    If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. -Albert Einstein

    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. -Albert Einstein
    #39     Dec 13, 2010
  10. #40     Dec 13, 2010