Scientists Receive Death Threats For Challenging Gloibal Warming

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. The reason they need to stifle all debate about whether carbon dioxide from humans is the cause of global warming is because any dissent could destroy the political movement.

    We now have the animal rights activists stating that cows create more carbon dioxide than humans. I'm not debating the validity of that claim, but the reason for it is to try to force a vegan lifestyle by stating that animal breeding is causing global warming.

    You watch. The claims will begin to get more and more ridiculous as more political groups join under the umbrella of global warming.

    If scientists begin to debunk the claims being made, the politicians that use this issue to exert a moral superiority over their opponents are going to look really bad for using such harsh scare tactics to dupe their constituents.

    The same people that lambaste the Bush administration for scaring the public with terrorism, which we have actually witnessed, are actually using that exact tactic to gain a hold over the people.
    #11     Mar 12, 2007
  2. Are you truly trying to advance some argument from some sanctimonious platform that both sides of the political spectrum don't try to ruin the careers of their political enemies? I just wanted to see if AAA had some specific evidence on Gore.

    By the way, no one had to go to rehab for using the word faggot, they chose to of their own free will.

    Hey, Coulter could apologize and perhaps show some humility, but what the heck? She has an audience who eats this shit up...who will continue to pay her.

    Is purposely being politically incorrect to make money really any better than being politically correct?

    #12     Mar 12, 2007
  3. Why should she apologize? I am sick of people in public life apologizing. She obviously said exactly what she meant. I respect her for standing tall and basically telling people who don't like it to FO. Compare that to Kerry trying to weasel out of insulting our troops. It's not like it's the first time she's done it either. She was fired from a conservative publication for her infamous suggestion that we should invade terrorist countries, kill their leaders and convert their citizens. That still sound slike a better plan than what we've done. She called the editors of that publication girly men. She was evidently right.
    #13     Mar 13, 2007
  4. You are sick of people apologizing?

    Must be some New Testament that I have not heard of...

    Something about the mudslingers, racists and bigots inheriting the earth...killing people who don't agree with your religion....all in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Man...oh man...

    #14     Mar 13, 2007
  5. That's quite a fertile imagination you have. Anyway, I was quoting Ann, and I don't intend to start apologizing for something she said. Take it up with her. Or maybe the Guiliani and McCain campaigns.
    #15     Mar 13, 2007