Science, Meta-physics and Trading

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by WDGann, Apr 6, 2003.

  1. Making distinction between science and metaphysics:

    You should remark that time has much to do with causality so when people pretend that market follows "natural law" with the "sacred geometry of price and time" I'm not sure that they are concious that they are tackling with existence of causality in market.
    #201     Apr 12, 2003
  2. what is this "synchronization" that you are so worked up about?? can you describe what you mean??
    #202     Apr 12, 2003
  3. LongShot, what is going on ? :D :D

    I note that, in a post addressed to WD Gann, you said "Freealways' post is complete rubbish. And it seems you have aligned yourself with a fool.. so what does that make you?"

    And now you are asking what is it all about ?

    This means that you spouted your opinion, trying to rubbish WD Gann without really having a clue what it is all about. :mad:

    A really good standard to use in a discussion which possibly may lead to knowledge advantageous to us traders.

    Anyway, seeing that you are seriously contemplating going to the Bahamas, I will be generous again and respond in a friendly fashion :

    Firstly LongShot, I suggest you put a dictionary on your computer
    ( is a good one and it is FREE)

    Secondly, I wasn't talking about "synchronization" and neither am I worked up about it.

    The only time I get excited is if I run into a pseudo scientist like Saynt who thinks he knows it all and then is so cocky that he thinks he is entitled to rubbish everyone else.

    (And I specifically note that when he was asked to put his money where his mouth was he disappeared :D )

    LongShot, I was in fact talking about an experiment I ran relating to synchronicity.

    Summed up, I was suggesting that (if there is any value in the idea of synchronicity) it may be posssible to determine the outcome of one's trades using computer generated (pseudo) random numbers with a degree of success considerably higher than one would expect to occur by pure chance.

    The computer generated (pseudo) random numbers are not really genuinely created at random. The last number is mathematically connected in some way to the number before it.

    Perhaps someone with more knowledge as to what algorithms are used by the computer in calculating them can enlighten us why these numbers aren't truly at random ?

    The fact that these (pseudo) random numbers aren't truly random numbers in itself brings in another interesting aspect i.e. serendipity (which involves being in the right place at the right time to make a discovery).

    #203     Apr 12, 2003
  4. freealways,

    i stand by my previous comments, i just wanted you to define "synchronicity" because i suspected it has something to do with psychic crap, and guess what, i was right.

    fuuny you call saynt a pseudoscientist and in the very next sentence you spew psychic nonsense.

    as for your little experiment, i'd say this ... it's total bunk. you obviously don't have the qualifications or knowledge to concieve of or conduct a valid critical study of the kind you speak of or to interpret the results of the same. you are a crank. look that up in your free dictionary. ha!
    #204     Apr 12, 2003
  5. I am hardly looking for an argument with a dickhead LongShot.

    This is supposed to be a opportunity for a discussion between open minded people, not with closed minded idits who have so little reasoning powers that they need to resort to insults.

    I forgive you however as often one's behaviour is beyond our control, having been formed by our upbringing.

    Again, I would be more than happy to put my money where my mouth is. You obviously are not.

    #205     Apr 12, 2003
  6. freealways, call ms. cleo, maybe she can help you.
    #206     Apr 12, 2003
  7. All you have to do is to put your money where your mouth is
    Long(on rubbish)Short(on brains) and you will get the best lesson in trading psychology you will have ever had or are likely to get.

    #207     Apr 12, 2003

  8. i won't put my money where my mouth is because money is dirty and i might get germs.

    i still think you should call ms cleo. she knows these things.
    #208     Apr 12, 2003
  9. Or random usernames! :)
    #209     Mar 15, 2009