Sci, Meta, and Trading 2: Philosophy and Trading

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by WDGann, Apr 12, 2003.

  1. trader99


    Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition.

    -Alan Turing

    I can go on and on about the various relationships and deep meanings of science, religion, metaphysics, and trading. But it ain't going to solve anything.

    Just want to say that science traditionally try to stay in the realm of the quantifiable and measurable reality so that it can formulate and make testable hypothesis and theories. Without that, mankind would still be living in caves and definitely there will be no trading(at least not as we have it today).

    Religion and metaphysics are a lot more vague but tries to answer grander questions of why, where do we come from, God,etc. Those questions might not be unanswerable... So, there's no comparison.

    that's it.

    #31     Apr 16, 2003
  2. nitro


    I just came upon the Global Conciousness Project myself. If this is proven to be true, it would constitute the most profound change in the perception of reality in the history of mankind, and no branch of science or philosophy would be the same again.

    Hinduists and other "religions" have known about this, but this is science first attempt at quantifying the effect and others like it. Truly astonishing on a magnitude of immense proportions...

    #32     Aug 11, 2006
  3. maxpi


    Art Bell was asking his audience [it is a very large number of people] to think some thoughts that would influence weather. I did not track results but Mr. Bell said that it was so powerfully effective as to be frightening and he quit doing it.

    Science has verified that humans can start reacting up to 5 seconds before an event. I have proven this for myself in a couple of ways. Watch your daydreams when you are driving to see how many are a preview of a reality a few seconds away.

    We are more wonderfully made than we know.
    #33     Aug 12, 2006
  4. Well, all this will create newbies / losers to think good traders have precognition towards market moves....

    Way to go!!!
    #34     Aug 13, 2006
  5. Predicting the next 5 seconds.. we do it everyday thousands of times and once it might come true and OMG ESP. The history of fortune tellers and psychics is riddled with more hacks and frauds than real ones. If anything that guy who controlled the weather should of picked up trading, he really understood people.

    How many of us when thinking of choosing a weather will picture falling meteorites raining down and destroying our city? None, we think of happy plains and rain and thunder, the % of people thinking it probably equals the % of these events actually happening, kinda like a Family Feud round.

    And no one who has a talent just suddently quits, unless that's their ultimate goal; whatever fool says they decided to quit predicting the future and making money trading just because is probably a fraud.
    #35     Aug 16, 2006
  6. maxpi


    Hee, hee, must have hit a nerve in an insular skeptic type know it all.

    #36     Aug 16, 2006
  7. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was the originator of this concept.

    i HIGHLY reccomend his works for anyone who has interest in this philosophy.

    good luck!

    #37     Aug 16, 2006
  8. maxpi


    I watch my daydreams, especially if I suddenly feel alarmed during one. I have detected a guy coming up behind me to kill me with a garrote, no way to see him, no warning whatsoever, [other than he had told me he was crazy a few times] I have detected potential car accidents, one as recently as Sunday on the way to a little hotel outing in Santa Barbara. I felt sudden alarm, lifted my gas foot and about 5 seconds later a pickup truck made a left turn right in front of me. I have detected people passing long lines of cars coming right at me over a hill in a daydream, not much alarm, but enough so I kept my eyes peeled and it turned out it was close enough to be emotionally disturbing but not life threatening. The level of alarm seems to indicate the severity. This is not outside the realm of science and don't tell me I am not doing this all the time. I did blindfolded martial arts exercises where we were circling with our arms touching, one would try a quick attack with the touching arm, the other could block it every time with no clue what the attack was going to be aimed at, high or low. I could do that the first time I tried it. The martial arts guys said that we would only respond automatically like that to a real threat, fake ones won't make us flinch that much.

    This is something that anybody can develope. Scientists have discovered that there is as much nervous system distributed through our gut as there is in our heads. They have measured electrical activity in it and found that it generates activity up to 5 seconds ahead of an emotionally upsetting event. My experience is that it will break in on a daydream or give me a daydream describing the event, depending on the severity, ranging from emotionally upsetting to life threatening.

    When I am in a thunderstorm, I see the lightening flashes, I mean I am looking where they are going to be when they happen. My eyes are always closed in a flash picture because I cannot keep from blinking just as the flash goes off. I have been in conversation as a passenger in a car and blurted out how one car was going to crash and one sailed right by us and hit the car in front two seconds later. If I am a passenger in a car and I am reading, the gut intuitions will not get through, I have to be pretty much not focusing on anything important or otherwise totally relaxed to tune in to my gut.

    I don't think this is such a big deal really, it can be taught, like I said in the first place, pay attention to your daydreams when you are driving. If this idea does not fit in with your belief system then think about your assumptions or conclusions, they are wrong if the evidence contradicts them. It's not my frikking problem, don't bug me with yours.
    #38     Aug 16, 2006
  9. Not at all, I form my ideas when I get several pieces of evidence from multiple sources and am very open minded. The biggest factor for me is that again and again people who claim to be gifted turn out as frauds, the history is riddled with an actually bigger number of fakes than reals(or should we say, nothing suspect found).

    Also a lot of people who claimed to believe in that stuff turned out to have an agenda.

    Seeing how you like writing so much about your daydreams, why don't you run it to an objective statistical analysis? No 3 sample over 6 months here, real stuff.

    It always comes down to the same reasons, either the people are proved as conning everyone, either they have an agenda or either their fantasies are full of holes and found extremely amateurish.
    #39     Aug 16, 2006