Schwab doesn't like shorting

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Neodude, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. tradersboredom

    tradersboredom Guest

    stocks are illiquid even in bull markets. so shorts shorting take liquidity even more.

    stock exchanges charge more when you take liquidity from the market.

    #11     Dec 9, 2008
  2. it sounds like you are talking about rumors more than you are talking about the uptick rule. further are you telling me that those crappy companies that went bankrupt or had shotgun marriage mergers would still be strong viable companies if those horrrrible rumors....errrrrrrrr truth....wasn't put out there?
    #12     Dec 10, 2008
  3. please take your bullshit logic out of here!!!! THIS IS ELITETRADER!!!
    #13     Dec 10, 2008
  4. and by the way cybtropic....not sure if u knew this but the uptick rule was around back during the 87 crash. did you know that? did you know the uptick rule was around during the nasdaq crash? maybe we should have instated a downtick rule so those stock couldn't have got so overinflated :D
    #14     Dec 10, 2008
  5. Pretty easy to see who the elitetraders are and the 'eliteINVESTORS' ARE.

    sec did a study and found that the uptick rule doesn't change how a stock basically performs. Kinda reminds me of the movie Other Peoples Money where Larry the liquidator is talking about if this happened and that did something else and the other thing did something also that everything would be fine.

    For those that say that they havent seen anything like this before need to read the book 'fooled by randomness'. simply said, your not allowing for enough sample size.

    Are there really TRADERS here that think volatility is a bad thing??? these are great days that we live in and you better hope that they don't go away because you can bet that the retail level trader will be the first casualty.

    There comes a time in your trading that you must decide if your going to adapt to the ever changing market or if your going to hope for the 'good ol days' and try to retard progress. It should be clear that the ones that embrace change and adapt are the ones going to make the serious money moving forward.
    #15     Dec 10, 2008
  6. Instead of idiotic debating on here from people who really don't understand market internals, I would like to know what NYSE specialists think about this issue.
    #16     Dec 10, 2008
  7. I guarantee the only ones defending NO uptick rule are those abusing it.

    The market , believe it or not, is not there so you don't have to do honest productive work for a living.

    It's there to permit capital allocation.
    #17     Dec 10, 2008
  8. Many countries/markets have no uptick rules.
    Their markets move up & down in similar fashion to those in US.

    I actually was ok with the uptick rule the way it was before.

    What I'm not so ok with is this fucking constant change of the "rules".

    You got rid of the UR, fine. Now, leave it alone!

    #18     Dec 10, 2008
  9. achilles28


    Uptick rule = shining turds
    #19     Dec 10, 2008
  10. Neodude


    The problem with all those who defend the uptick rule is that they don't have empirical evidence to prove that all the "bear raids" are caused by market manipulators.

    "Bear raids" are nothing more then people liquidating their positions in a panic, but of course people don't like losing money so they blame the EVIL market manipulators who short stocks.

    I blame the idiots who bid the stocks up in the first place.

    #20     Dec 10, 2008