I am using sortwizard with RT3, but I am considering to switch to esignal, only due to high costs of RT3 (USD250+USD60sortwizard +markett fees..) Mike: Are you planning to port your scanners to work with esignal datafeed? Or can you recommend any scanners working with esignal? (Internal Power Scanner of esignal is really too basic to me) Thanks Simone Mike wrote: ... you may want to take a look at MWatch from Mtrader at www.mtrader.com/mwatch or Intelliscan from RealityTrader at www.realitytrader.com/iscan. Both these scanners are fully programmable and can watch multiple MA's and MA crossovers in real-time. However, 1. They only monitor NASDAQ stocks - max 1000 at a time 2. They only work on the TAL/Real-Tick 3 data feed I am the author of both these scanners and therefore have an interest in their use. You can get free 2 week trial at either site. Mike Diplock
You can try NeoTicker ... and yes, I am one of the creators of this program and is hoping someone who is interested in scanning will test drive the performance on eSignal. Send me feedback - good or bad as I am working on polishing NT more ... Lawrence Chan