Scammers Scamming Scammers

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by Nobert, Dec 24, 2022.

  1. Nobert


    When a bunch of sociopaths gets to do teamwork
    (Dark Knight 2008 Intro IRL)

    ,,The last word of who to blame''

    I missed the part where anyone says :
    ,,I blame myself because i made a stupid financial decision''
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2022
  2. lwlee


    Coffeezilla does good investigative work. Very informative how he was able to piece the puzzle by looking at the money movement. That's one good thing about public crypto addresses.
    virtusa, beginner66 and Nobert like this.
  3. Nobert


    He improved a lot over time.

    Combining truth, skill and entertainment. There's and audience for sure.

    In one of his interviews he said, paraphrasing :
    ,,I never had an idea that 10 years down the line i will be doing this. But after trying multiple things and styles, - here we are''

  4. I was looking at that video earlier this morning while playing House Flipper 1.0. :D

    Every time Logan has got involved in any NFT collection, time and time and time again it turns out into a terrible fraud. Then he'll say this never will happen again. Then followed by... hey kids! We've go the real shit now starting up with a new collection!!!

    I never understood who this Logan guy is, or why people go ape-shit for him like ape-shit for board-apes. I guess humans really haven't evolved far from the trees.

    And lastly, I will get someone attack me for this, but why should I feel sorry for anyone in that video at the end? Whining about how they had their wives and even daughter investing all into the scheme. These people are all adults, who keep falling for the same NFT fraud over, and over, and over again. Let's be honest, they were simply just wanting to get RICH at someone else's expense. How on earth do they manage to live and figure out how to use a fork & knife to eat food on the table? Or put it there without the government supporting them? Maybe that's what it is... your tax-payer's money at work folks.

    So why should I feel sorry?
    smallfil and Nobert like this.
  5. lwlee


    Yeah if only they had moved the crypto into their wallet. Not your wallet not your crypto! :D
  6. GotherL


    Logan and Ricegum were the classic unfunny A holes on youtube.

    Wait this guy appeared on WWE? What in the actual fuck.....
  7. I must be getting old, despite it's probably been over 2-years now (it feels like just yesterday) that Logan was pushing this absolutely shit-coin project called:


    Remember that?

    It did not end well. It managed to bust itself even while shit-coins were going on a raging-bull market. That's how bad it was. Why do parents even allow their kids to watch this....'guru'? What is the point to his channel? Aside from losing money? I can't figure it out. I've tried watching multiple clips of him, and for some reason, I just can't figure out any allure to it...

    If you want to lose money, or waste time, you could always just watch Andre Jikh. At least you MAY learn something educational along the way, even though you will lose all your $ just the same following his investments.
  8. RedDuke


    Everyone who invested with this fraudster deserve what came. Comon, basic sense telling it was a fraud from get go.

    crypto “f*ck” zoo. And people invested 10s of thousands ….
    Nobert likes this.
  9. lwlee


    Jikh is a nice guy. Got caught up in the craze. I remember he absolutely being all-in on crypto and NFTs. Dude is also getting roasted for his foray into real estate rental markets. Not doing well.
    Haters on YouTube are going to town with all the financial influencers who were paid ad fees during the boom.
  10. lwlee


    Lol, this was just posted. It's good to have check/balances on YouTube.

    Shafer picked Jikh as the worst scammer because he believed it hurt the most people. Not sure I completely agree with that.

    Think that Jeremy is the worst. Dude sucks at stock picking. I would pick him for grifter of the year or Logan Paul since he has probably the widest reach of all these guys. Plus CoffeeZilla outed him and his co-cospirators for knowingly getting ready to rugpull investors. Whereas Jikh was just a sad-sack who picked the wrong horse.

    I like MeetKevin, think he's one of the sharpest one among the financial influencers but it's good that there are critics to keep him in check. He's now put himself out there with PP ETF and HouseHack so either he's really good as he thinks or he will get crushed by the haters.

    #10     Dec 24, 2022