scalping with prop firms

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by caementarius, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. heres an example of my layout:

    num1: pike
    num2: adjust pike
    num3: pike
    num4: piiiike
    num5: piiiike
    num6: pike again
    num7: pike again
    num8: maximum pike
    num9: holy crap I missed my out its time to donate money to someone else

    left mouse: adjust macd and print money like its going out of style
    #11     Jun 16, 2008
  2. here is my keyboard layout:

    key1: add to losing position
    key2: blame specialist
    key3: buy at the days high
    key4: sell at the days low
    key5: puke out losing position
    key6: make my broker richer
    key7: get eaten alive by pros trading through chop.
    key8: miss winning trade
    key9: margin call

    I agree with some who say that learning to scalp from home with retail commissions is retarded, you might as well donate to a charity.

    But if you insist then please go ahead, the pros can always use the added liquidity!
    #12     Jun 16, 2008
  3. trom


    I'm similar to NYOBscalper....

    I've got keys for all of these...

    NSDQ bid/offer
    ARCA bid/offer
    BATS bid/offer
    EDGX bid/offer
    EDGA bid/offer
    BOOK bid/offer
    ISE bid/offer
    NYS bid/offer
    Goldman Sigma X bid/offer
    MEGA ECN bid/offer

    Then, for each one of those I have a different key if I'm bidding/offering for tier size or position size.

    I use a couple different swipes/smartswipes

    When sending my orders I have keys that will send inside 1 cent, 5 cents, go hidden, discretionary, etc

    Also have cancel keys for most recent order, least recent, all buys, all sells, etc

    tier size keys to quickly 1/2, 2x my tier, add/subtract 100, 500, 1000, 5000.

    Basically, I use almost every key and most multiple times with different combinations of shift, control, and alt.

    Simple as that.

    #13     Jun 16, 2008
  4. What firm are you with that lets you post BOOK?

    As far as tier size keys, I forgot to mention my numpad1-9 = 100-900 shares, 0=1000, shift 1-9 = 1000-9000, shift 0=10,000, and +/- increment/decrement by 100 shares.

    I really should have EDGEX and bats keys, whenever I see them on the inside price I throw money in the garbage with routing fees.
    #14     Jun 16, 2008
  5. <br><br>I'll share my hotkeys as well since you all have shared. I bought some custom buttons and re-wired them to send keystrokes.

    I find that this greatly increases my reaction time and that there is less fumbling than with a keyboard. No longer will I hit the wrong key and lose money. I have them all spaced out and mounted on a board under my monitor. They even come pre-labeled.

    <br><br><img halign=center src=><br><br><img src=>
    #15     Jun 16, 2008