SBUX will have a pull back (at least)

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by hajimow, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. hajimow


    Check Bollingerbands. SBUX has run up about 25% recently. It will pull back to 12 range. Two possible trade ideas:'
    1- short the stock
    2- Sell Call 13 June and buy Call 14 June for a credit of 0.5. Risk is 50 cents and reward is also 50 cents.
  2. hajimow


    I am also buying OSIP. In this down day it is up. Earning is on April 29. It should go over 35. My short term target is 36.
  3. OSIP and SBUX are both "pharmaceutical" companies. They ought to both recover well as people seek out more "uppers". :cool:
  4. hajimow


    OSIP is pharma but SBUX is Starbucks and in coffee business:mad:
  5. Haha that went over your head. :p
  6. hajimow


  7. hajimow


    Now I realize that nazzdak pulled my leg :)