Saudi's bought $3.5 BILLION worth of Gold in LAST 2 WEEKS

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by thriftybob, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. When the world as at the front door of a major global change, which it is, there needs to be a larger representation present, which there is (G20). I for one don't believe there is any conspiracy to take over a large portion of the global assets, but I am fairly certain we are going to make a historical change in the system that can be called a new dawn or whatever. The old system has crashed beyond and is on fire.

    As for "re-monatize the money system", call it whatever you want to, but essentially that is what it is.

    This is a time for everyone to get outside of the box, cast away all that you know and be open to new ideas, change is emminent and the possibilities of what that change is, is wide.

    If you are using old models of global economics, that book just became kindling. Just look at where the old models have lead the worlds greatest investors, Bill Miller, Kevorkian, Ichan, Buffett. It is all dead. Not implying they will not make money on the investments, but we are at the beginning of a new age of global macro economics. The rules will be written over the coming months/years, and anything is possible. The key is to be open minded to think and learn.
    #21     Nov 13, 2008
  2. W4rl0ck


    Someone splain to me how you devalue ALL currencies simultaneously?

    AFAIK you can't devalue a currency unless it's pegged.

    China COULD let unpeg tho. Which would definitely devalue $USD relative to China.
    #22     Nov 13, 2008
  3. Mecro


    You're in for a surprise there. Most small farmers have been decimated by big aggro for decades. Thank god for the organic & local foods movement which saved a lot of them.

    What the big aggros make is not really food, it's slow degenerative poison. They also own most of the food production nowdays. Considering the crimes against nature which they have committed, I can only imagine how they would pillage during a crisis.

    I avoid big aggro products anyway. I'm stockpiling highly nutritious storable food, at a pretty damn good price, I must say.
    #23     Nov 13, 2008
  4. Mecro


    It's ironic you would say something like that, considering just how in the dark you keep yourself.

    You're not really understanding what is happening.
    #24     Nov 13, 2008
  5. Well it's a good thing nobody is asking you then, because they bought ten times as much fiat paper in the same period.

    Perspective is a precious thing...
    #25     Nov 13, 2008
  6. Coming from you, the guy who didn't know of any organization other than the G8? are you related to stock trad3r?

    Please enlighten us at ET, with what is about to happen, since you already know and are being briefed by world leaders.
    #26     Nov 13, 2008
  7. raw silver is getting hard to find for less than a 15% premium to spot
    #27     Nov 13, 2008
  8. bellman


    It's not only possible, it's a way of life. One way to devalue all currencies simultaneously would be to increase all money supplies at the same time (this in fact IS happening). Another way would be to cut production of all goods in half while maintaining the money supply. Another way would be to ship half of the gold and silver in the world into outer space. etc, etc.

    #28     Nov 13, 2008
  9. You can't, not when everyone is holding so much of each others debt in non-domestic denominations. Before you can do that, there would need to be a coordinated simultaneous default of meaningful size by all meaningful economies. Which I'm fairly confident is at least being discussed....
    #29     Nov 13, 2008
  10. Merco you seem very informed about the currencies situation and how they may be devalued, can I convince you to start a new thread dedicated to this topic?
    #30     Nov 13, 2008