Sarah Palin Has Voted Repeatedly to Use Tax Dollars To Promote Abstinence Education

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ByLoSellHi, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. G_d, you still don't get it.


    The former is perfectly fair game, while the latter is not (although I said before that I was of the opinion that Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and their ilk would deem it so - you can take that to the bank of right-wing nut-itism).

    There is a real hazard in mixing moralistic creeds in with political statements and actions, and then expecting privacy when running for public office.

    How do you separate the mom from the politician?
    #11     Sep 2, 2008
  2. ElCubano


    what does a 17 year old girl have to do with anything?? so doesnt matter what the kid does in relation to what the Mom can do or be....are you guys serious??

    so I take it the Chief of Police should resign becuase his son is a pot smoking theif??....tooo funny....a Chief Of police Is a fighter against drug related crimes, what does a son doing exatcly the opposite have to do with said person..

    I am using an example from an actual situation....

    How Many parents preach to their kids about drugs and yet can't control what they actually ingest....Id say a boatload....

    Those posters without kids...please haave a kid first and then post later... ;o)
    #12     Sep 2, 2008
  3. Actually, to the contrary, I think it is you who don't get it. Frankly, I don't think you're reading my posts.

    Here was my last response to you:

    Notice the first sentence:

    Now, look at the last sentence:

    Now, here's what you said:

    Now, why don't you stare at those three quotes, and see if you see anything similar. LOL.

    #13     Sep 2, 2008
  4. Exactly. Thank you. LOL.

    #14     Sep 2, 2008
  5. Lucrum


    #15     Sep 2, 2008
  6. Lots of parents try to install values in their kids, which is of course their right.

    However, Palin takes her own moral view and tells others how to raise their kids...she even uses public taxpayer money to fund her moralist agenda.

    That's the difference.

    The Chief of Police, in many cases an elected official might not resign from such a scandal as his kids smoking pot, but if the Chief ran his campaign to get elected on how parents should raise their kids, did photo opps of his family suggesting that they were parenting the "right" way, there is a very good chance that the consequence of his own failure as a parent would greatly impact his ability to get elected.

    And in this case, McBush didn't properly investigate the situation prior to his pick of Palin as VP, which goes to his judgment.

    You are a smart guy, certainly you can see the impact of what has happened...

    People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others, and moralists like Palin shouldn't preach to others when her own house is not in order.

    #16     Sep 2, 2008
  7. Palin has voted to use your and my tax dollars (successfully) to fund abstinence education, which is not something I am in agreement with (as I view it as more government waste, and unwarranted government intrusion into an area of child-rearing that is the exclusive domain of biological or legal parents, IMO).

    That her daughter is now pregnant is unfortunate.

    There is no denying the irony of the situation and the fact that the anecdote in this case supports the statistical data demonstrating that abstinence education has failed to achieved any marked decrease in teen pregnancy rates.

    The analogy of the police chief whose son is a thief and is arrested for marijuana possession is flawed. The chief of police is duty bound to follow the law, whether he agrees with it or not. If the police chief was out on a political crusade to force me to allocate my tax dollars to institute a failed drug policy, and his endorsement of that policy helped contribute to its passage, I would hold him and anyone else who contributed to its passage personally responsible for the wasted resources.
    #17     Sep 2, 2008
  8. I agree with you, and I'm not saying that. That would be "proof by anecdote" which is incorrect. However although not proof, it may be reflective.

    I agree that it's not generalizable across all sex ed and all sex ed everywhere, but it is certainly a valid topic of discussion that has been introduced (as we're discussing now). For example, a valid (if vacuous) discussion might be whether or not her ability to lead through abstinence education failed at home, thus reflecting an inability to manage.

    I think the much stronger topic of discussion is what this reveals about McCain's management and hiring skills.
    #18     Sep 2, 2008
  9. ElCubano


    My point is wether your tax dollars are being wasted or not and wether she is preaching right or wrong or wether you agree or not...has not one iota to do with her daughter having a baby at the age of 17....capiche??? does this change the fact that it may or may not work?? NO

    on the other hand I can certainly see why it would be brouht up....peace
    #19     Sep 2, 2008
  10. cuz69


    Agreed, but the left still doesn't get it.
    Has no baring on how she will act as VP
    #20     Sep 2, 2008