Sanders, Harris Say Boston Marathon Bomber Should Be Able To Vote From Prison

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Banjo, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. Banjo


  2. LacesOut


    If the leading Dem candidate said "We believe fingering the assholes of random children is acceptable!", the leftards would rejoice...

    Leftards gotta tard....
    DTB2, Clubber Lang and elderado like this.
  3. "But I think the right to vote is inherent to our democracy," Sanders continued. "Yes, even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away ... you’re running down a slippery slope. ...

    No Bernie it's not a slippery slope at all. If you're in prison, you don't get to vote. Simple.
  4. UsualName


    This will not age well for Sanders or Harris.

    On the other hand Warren is talking about breaking up the farm equipment monopolies. That should be something we can all agree on.
  5. Great idea. Destroy one of our few internationally competitive business sectors. Not to worry, I'm sure the Chinese will fill the gap.
  6. No right, such as the right to vote is a God given right that can never be touched. You go to prison as a felon for many years or life, why should we care about their right to vote.

    What target audience are these two genetic fucktards going after promoting felons being able to vote. shit is crazy.
    Optionpro007 likes this.
  7. UsualName


    Sorry but you are wrong on this matter. Giving farmers the right to fix their own equipment with access to things like diagnostics and manuals is just common sense.
  8. elderado

