Sam Alito is the new Joe Wilson

Discussion in 'Politics' started by drjekyllus, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. "COLLECTIVE ASSES" really are a scat freak...

    #11     Jan 28, 2010
  2. The corporation does not answer to you. They answer to the shareholders. The idea that the government should tell a private entity what it can or can't do with its own private money is Marxist.
    #12     Jan 28, 2010
  3. The right isn't always right, and the left isn't always wrong. I just try to call'em as I see'em. Surprisingly enough, I too can be wrong.:p On this particular issue someone would have to go a long way to convince me that corporate America has the best interest of the people at heart.
    They don't pay taxes, just pass the cost along to the customer. They have armies of lawyers to assist them in ignoring, bending and breaking laws and regualtions. In todays world they suffer no consequence for poor performance. Profits are private while losses are socialized. They wave the flag when it's in their best interest to do so, and step all over it when it's not.
    I could go on and on, but you get my drift. It's about trust and money, and I don't trust them with either. And before someone asks if I trust the government, the answer is no. Besides, government and corporate America are no longer independent of each other. Those involved are like shape shifters floating between the two.
    #13     Jan 28, 2010
  4. I agree. So to the extent that one political party is more aligned with corporate interests at the potential expense of its citizenry, I think that political party is more misguided and less trustworthy, all else being equal. And while both parties may have mud on their hands, one has mud up to its elbows.
    #14     Jan 28, 2010
  5. Joe Wilson was within acceptable operating procedure for politicians when he suggested Mr. Obama lied in his address to congress..........

    OK, I'll buy that..........seems we are in agreement again !
    #15     Jan 28, 2010
  6. Here's the list of top AIG recipients for the 2008 campaign:

    1. Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., $103,100
    2. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., $101,332
    3. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., $59,499
    4. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., $35,965
    5. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., $24,750
    6. Former Gov. Mitt Romney, (R) Pres $20,850
    7. Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., $19,975
    8. Rep. John Larson, D-Conn, $19,750
    9. Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., $18,500
    10. Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (R) Pres $13,200
    11. Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., $12,000
    12. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., $11,000

    Keep that populist anger going Obama and just hope that nobody notices who is in the No. 2 spot for AIG contributions. How is that for substance?
    #16     Jan 28, 2010
  7. While it seems both parties have mud on their hands, according to this list the democrats seem to have mud up to their elbows..
    #17     Jan 28, 2010
  8. Except that AIG imploded during Bush's watch, and the Republicans are viscerally opposed to regulation.
    #18     Jan 28, 2010
  9. And Obama received more than $23,000 for his campaign AFTER they received Federal Funds. Not only that, Obama voted for them to receive those federal funds. Cheers mate.

    BTW, who appropriates funds? That would be Congress. Was it by any chance a democrat controlled Congress that included one Barack Hussein Obama who approved those funds?
    #19     Jan 28, 2010
  10. Please have your statement "peer reviewed" by a member of the Democratic National Committee.
    #20     Jan 28, 2010