Sailors Say Kerry Unfit to be CinC

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, May 3, 2004.

  1. The biggest problem for Kerry is, you just summed up his entire campaign- and the whole political view of the democrats- in that one sentence.

    Does anyone remember the interview where Kerry was asked to define himself, and he responded by saying "I"ll tell you who John Kerry is," and then less than thirty seconds later was ragging on Bush again...
    #21     May 3, 2004

  2. This seems a bit unsubstantiated.

    1) I have a friend who attended Air force, and did flight training, and god bless him, but he wasn't even close to being MIT material. He got rejected from every Ivy league and near-Ivy league school he applied to. MIT is a hell of alot more selective than most Ivies, not to mention the fact that you actually earn your degree at MIT.

    Nor was my friend from a priveledged family, like some other losers I can think of. I don't want him to die in Iraq.

    2) The average MIT student would have to basically be drunk all the time to get straight C's in HISTORY at Yale.

    There was a kid in the news who got C's at community college and FAKED a transfer application to Yale and was accepted. He had a "high B average" at Yale in the humanities before being discovered and kicked out. If anyone has a link to the article, please post it (this was about 6 years ago).

    I look at Dumya and see a guy I wouldn't even pay money to wash my car.

    The fact that anyone thinks he's worth a bucket of piss just blows my mind.
    #22     May 3, 2004
  3. Maverick74


    You know what is really scary. They said the same thing in Germany in 1935. Scary, very scary. You need to be smarter then that Bung, much smarter. Learn from history.
    #23     May 3, 2004

  4. He's a deer in headlights!

    In case you hadn't noticed, I'm guilty of the same thing! I just CAN'T RESIST!!!

    I mean, what's there to like about Bush!?!? He's just such an easy target to hate -- so rich and so dumb!

    I can remember a time when this country was about rags to riches and hard work....coming from a "good family" didn't mean your relatives made a fortune off the Nazis...

    just my .02
    #24     May 3, 2004

  5. Mav, if you want to bring in 1935 Germany, I think that the Bush-Cheney-Ashcroft parallels are going to be quite staggering in comparison to a Massachusetts liberal...

    The biggest change in 1930s Germany when the fascists took over was the financing of war debt through govt bonds...and a desire to convert other people to the national ethos...
    #25     May 3, 2004
  6. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    Unfortunately for our political system, and the Democratic party in general, that's the bottom-line truth of John Kerry. Because of the monumental filtering process in candidate selection our Presidential elections are usually the choice of lesser evils rather than someone who truly inspires you. This year has one of the weakest offerings, a lose-lose situation in many regards, and I see most people resigned to the outcome of whichever man is at the helm for the next 4 years. Sad state of affairs.
    #26     May 3, 2004
  7. Maverick74


    Man, here you liberals go again. You simply do not know the facts. Look, let me give you some details. To get into flight school in the service you need to do one of two things. You either go through a service academy, which is much harder to get into then MIT bar none, or you go through ROTC. ROTC is a full ride scholarship where you basically go to any school that has an ROTC program once accepted. You take one or two ROTC classes each semester for four years. Once you have your degree, you go to OTC, which is Officer Training School. This lasts for about 12 weeks or so and its like basic training for officers. Upon completion of OTC you now go on to flight school which is a very intensive 12 month program. Upon completion of that, you go into a particular aircraft unit where you will learn to fly your speciality aircraft.

    Now to get an ROTC scholarship, it's very very hard. Your high school GPA better be at least a 4.0 although they do say technically you need a 3.7 but a 4.0 is better. You need a 33 or 34 on your ACT's or a 1400 or higher on your SAT's. On top of that, in high school, you better have gotten all A's in every one of your math and science courses, no exceptions. Then to top it all off you better have lettered in at least two sports. You be better be in peak physical shape. And you still need other extra curricular activities on your resume.

    Let me tell you why this is harder then MIT. To get into MIT, you need to grades and the test scores. A lot of guys have that. But how many of those pencil neck geeks can say they have lettered in two sports? How many of them are in peak physical shape? How many of them were involved in leadership activities outside of academics?

    Then if that's not hard enough you better not be shorter then 5'6" or maybe it's 5'8". You better have perfect eye sight and zero medical problems. So once you have all those attributes, then, and only then, are you even CONSIDERED for flight training. I can assure you it is very very tough.

    I would love to see Kerry make the cut. Actually, he wouldn't. Basically, your military pilots are studs to put it bluntly. They have the best grades, they are the best athletes, the most healthy, pass the psychological evaluations, and score in the 98th percentile on most college entrance exams. Like I said, show me your MIT graduates that can do all that. End of story.
    #27     May 3, 2004

  8. Are you kidding?

    Kerry is the richest member of the senate. He makes Bush look like a two bit piker in the wealth department- and what he didn't inherit, he married.

    I don't know about you, but I'd rather have someone with a moderate IQ and strong leadership ability, than someone who is so elite that 90% of fellow servicemen hate his guts, and so "nuanced" that he can't take a clear position on one single issue.

    And another thing: if Bush is such a dumbass, why does he still have the edge after all that's happened? You'd think Kerry would have surged in the past month, but it still seems he can't do anything but screw up.

    For a guy that's supposed to be the smarter one, he sure has run a crap campaign. When the freaking village voice is demanding a Kerry recall, what else can you say?
    #28     May 3, 2004

  9. Hold on to your hat for 2008 though, John McCain vs Hilary Clinton.

    That'll make for one heck of a show...
    #29     May 3, 2004
  10. Magna,

    For once I totally agree with you. Like Clinton, Bush seems awfully fortunate in who his opponents are. For whatever reason, Kerry has not connected with people, his campaign has no traction and Bush is beating him soundly on the all important likeability score.
    #30     May 3, 2004