Saddam is dead, are we safer now?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Dec 30, 2006.

Are we safer now that Saddam is dead.

  1. Yes

    12 vote(s)
  2. No

    34 vote(s)
  1. they cant and shall perish.
    #21     Dec 31, 2006
  2. If you lived in an area where you did not think you could survive, would you move?

    Or would you stubbornly die?

    #22     Dec 31, 2006
  3. impossible to say.......i'm not a race cult masquerading as a a lie every moment from birth til death as far as I know....the squatters in isntreal are are atheist poles and russians.......the worst humanity has to offer.
    #23     Dec 31, 2006
  4. Non answer.

    Say that weather patterns changed, where you could no longer find food and water.

    Would you stubbornly stay, or move to where life was easier?

    Whether the threat is natural or man made, if the thought is that you would not survive, it seem foolish to me to stay in order to certainly die...

    #24     Dec 31, 2006
  5. i am not they and they are not non answer is all i can proffer.....logic is out the window unfortunately....also who would take in these disgusting ecstacy dealers, murderers, pornographers, human traffickers and Christ killers?......i guess ZOG kwa would pick up the tab...AGAIN.....but that really would create a tremendous trading opportunity.
    #25     Dec 31, 2006
  6. Frankly the issue of whether he wept or not means nothing special to me.

    For anyone who does care about thoroughness, it should be obvious that the google video is not a complete record of the proceedings.

    There were several still cameras and videotapes running. The US military did document the handoff to the Iraqi Authorities, but were instructed to have no involvement in the actual hanging process. That film (taken by an embedded journalist) will no doubt become available in the future. I am guessing that it is not in the public domain now because it could inspire Saddam's few supporters to act out.

    This subject does not in my opinion deserve much more comment except to say that a video does exist that shows both the change of custody, the actual execution (Saddam dropping through the trap door), and Saddam laid out on the ground, his neck obviously broken.

    From my point of view it is clear the guy is dead and not on some military plane to a private island.

    #26     Dec 31, 2006
  7. hcour

    hcour Guest

    No, we're not any more safe. However, there is one less really ugly person in the world and that's almost as important.

    Harold (would prefer a world of only the good-looking)
    #27     Jan 1, 2007

  8. :D well,its true.
    Well it is.......mostly ugly people get to position's of power, due to their very ugliness, which is what spurs them on to political greatness.

    What was the ukrainian guy, poisoned with some stuff, orange revolution etc......vladochimokencomovichuekom, or something.
    You know the one.

    Further proof-why is che guevera on t-shirts the world over, and gorbachev, or nelson manela, or mother teresa, or Botha, arent?
    Because they were ugly.

    Thats right.
    WAy ugly.
    Same reason whoopie goldberg gets sympathy credits at the academy, bfugly.

    Photogenism. The new world order.
    #28     Jan 1, 2007
  9. Nice link steve46, but what the heck does it mean?

    "The path of arab nationalism is paved with blood",
    for f**ks sake.

    What, they didnt already know that?
    It's their stock in trade, which begs the question, why not leave them to it, they seem to have this stuff down pat.

    BTW, steve, im envious of your gun collection, were not allowed those things here-and i dont feel safer for it, as such.

    You never did answer, re;the size of your new home entertainment unit,(from a different thread) that would be cool.

    After all, us plebs need something to aspire to.

    #30     Jan 1, 2007