Saddam Captured!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by candletrader, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. How is this a group effort? The SINGLE informant deserves to get paid:

    Odierno, the commander of the 4th Infantry Division that captured Saddam, said over the last 10 days soldiers have questioned "five to 10 members" of families "close to Saddam."

    "Finally we got the ultimate information from one of these individuals," he said.
    #21     Dec 14, 2003
  2. here's an interesting angle.....i am by no means endorsing this view. given the private lynch misinformation campaign i will withhold my opinion for awhile:
    #22     Dec 14, 2003
  3. Daxtrader


    Who knows, it's always good to keep an open mind though.
    #23     Dec 14, 2003
  4. right! let the show begin.:p

    Ladies and gentlemen, on your stage, for your edification and delight... the capture of Saddham!
    For your convenience and timed perfectly for the Sunday talk shows, we have given the appropriate drugs, two CIA handlers and $750k in sequentially serial-numbered $100 bills straight from the US Treasury to take our protagonist to a small picturesque location to stage the pick-up. We see Saddham dazed and blinking, jabbering like John Allen Muhammad, presented to the Iraqi council to recite "defiant" script, and clipped and shaved to look like his previous poster-child mustachioed Nemesis image for greatest effect. Watch as during Gen'l Sanchez's news conference the two Iraqi "newsmen" shout death-to-Saddham over and over on cue in practiced voices. See the Iraqis jumping and grinning as soon as the cameras turn their way. Listen, as the usual gang of the same pundits intone the same script after Bush mouths the Rove message.

    Next! When necessary for maximum effect on polls and electioneering, watch as Osama is suddently found, again timed for the news cycle, and then the pinnacle, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION are unveiled with appropriate pomp circumstance and scripts around mid-October. See how Bush carefully reads Karl Rove's script on the teleprompter in front of him, avoiding questions even from the controlled press corps, and with great relief, turns and walks away from the podium.

    This is Karl Rove's play, and like Shakespeare said, "all the world's a stage" !

    Too bad the playwrights are Karl Rovian and not Shakespearian.

    from another poster nearby anon/msi
    Pabst see how nice I am :D :D :D
    #24     Dec 14, 2003
  5. When the U.S. offers a bounty, they'd better pay that bounty in full, without delay. I don't care if Saddam was abducted by an Iraqi criminal gang, who tried to hold him prisoner until they were sure they'd get their $25 Mil. You offer a bounty, you'd better pay it.
    #25     Dec 14, 2003
  6. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    I was just reading an interesting article in The New York Times about him swearing in French like crazy.
    That is just so weird......English is FAR more descriptive.:eek:

    #26     Dec 14, 2003
  7. Didn't you see 'Matrix Reloaded'?
    #27     Dec 14, 2003
  8. From Bobcathy1:

    I was just reading an interesting article in The New York Times about him swearing in French like crazy.
    That is just so weird......English is FAR more descriptive.

    I guess that you have never had sex with a young, hot, sexy, French girl, no??? . . . Trust me, the French language can be VERY DESCRIPTIVE!

    #28     Dec 14, 2003
  9. Maverick74


    Ever thought about moving there Mike? You can meet all the french girls you want there then.
    #29     Dec 14, 2003