ryan: the reason we need this stimulus(money), it will create growth and jobs.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. republicans are hypocrites. ryan is out there every day bashing obama for the stimulus plan claiming it didnt create any jobs.
    yet at the time he was begging for money from the stimulus plan to"create growth and jobs.":

    Ryan acknowledged at the debate that he asked for funding. "On two occasions we advocated for constituents who were applying for grants," Ryan said, adding it's something members of congress do for the people in their district.

    Biden seemed to find that statement funny.

    "I love that, I love that," Biden said, laughing. "This is such a bad program and he writes me a letter saying -- writes the Department of Energy a letter saying -- the reason we need this stimulus, it will create growth and jobs. His words. And now he's sitting here looking at me."

    Biden added: "I wish he would just tell the -- be a little more candid," stopping himself from calling Ryan a liar.

  2. clacy


    Obviously the stimulus money was going to be spent regardless. Would you have him forgo trying to get some of that money for his state, even though his constituents were going to pay for it later? That would be malpractice, and certainly doesn't mean he believes stimulus is a good thing.
  3. isnt that what is wrong with this country? every congressman,on the right at least,wants to cut spending for the other guy but they have their hand out for as much pork as they can get for their own state?
    hypocrites like paul ryan are the problem not the solution.
  4. clacy


    You're missing the point. It's a FEDERAL stimulus, so it will be paid back by all US tax payers, including residents of Ryan's district in WI.

    Ryan voted against it, that is the key point. But the Dems controlled both houses of congress so it passed despite his efforts against it.

    At that point, the damage has been done, so it would be malpractice for Ryan to turn down stimulus money that would have to be paid back by his constituents.
  5. he didnt turn it down because it wasnt offered. he requested it because he said it would create jobs in his district. now he goes around saying that the stimulus plan did nothing for jobs. that is a hypocrite.
  6. clacy


    I'm not sure why you can't understand this point. He voted against it.

    It passed anyway.

    His constituents are on the hook for the liability regardless.

    The President was handing out money, that his constituents will have to pay back.

    If your wife took out a home equity loan that was in both of your names and said, against your urging otherwise. And she said this money is going to be spent regardless. Would you not want to at least have a say in how some of the money was spent?
  7. not the same. i dont even care that he took the money. its the fact that he requested the stimulus money on the basis that it would "create jobs and economic growth in his state"and now goes around claiming that the stimulus created no jobs. that makes him a hypocrite.
  8. clacy


    It's the exact same on a micro level. Of course he thinks he can at least spend some of the money better than Obama giving it to foreign companies and failing green energy start ups.
  9. Ricter


    Apparently Ryan directly asked for stimulus funds four times, not two as Biden stated. And, at least one to the EPA, that evil agency that must be eliminated.
