Russian Mafia in bed with Wall Street Ceo says

Discussion in 'Economics' started by jficquette, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. ssss


    Meyer Lansky have had true name Visljansky and was jews
    from Belarussia .

    That what in USA say russian mafia in most of the case
    are jews from Ex-Sowietunion

    Russian native(not russian jews) have a low chance
    for society advancement .Without that no any chance
    for great money .

    Ivan Boetsky was true russian ,but born in USA and from start of he's carrier he was heavy i debt against jews support .
    (they financed he'm)

    "Japonchik" -ex-CEO of Russia mafia was true ,not white colour
    criminal . But he tryed primitiv press russian native company in NY for some 5-10 mln $ .Attempt was filmed on video and
    he was imprisoned

    Suspect ,that true organized crim in NY is related not to russian nacionality . Ground is not that they are high
    moral and respected USA law ,but simple have no any chance for socialization in society ,where influence of old mafia group's,white colour criminal's divided long time before

    Your respectfully
    #11     Mar 6, 2008
  2. go look at my threads:

    Naked shorting

    Yes. It's true. I know when it happened, and who was with him, and what was said. If you see the video of Cox passing, sort of , new fraud provisions against naked shorting, you'll see a different Cox than the one battered by Bennett the week before.

    I heard an anecdote that Byrne had said when the FBI found out the Russians were trying to kill a guy from Utah, they got involved.

    How do you think all this subprime started? How do think all the money ended in Lichtenstein? Why do you think Clinton pardoned Marc Rich?

    I'm the last guy to think conspiracy. But I'm sorry. I 've seen floor traders, mm's, everybody work this angle, and it's real. And why, why haven't the mainstream Press picked this up?

    The worst offenders? Cramer, Greenberg, Norris, Nocera, McClean (Fortune), David Evans (bloomb erg), Remond, Dave Kansas, formerly of the Wall St. Journa C section,

    Go to and read the Elgindy transcripts. You'll see Elgindy had advance warning of SEC investigations against companies. As a matter of fact, he helped pick them.
    #12     Mar 6, 2008
  3. For years, our inner circle has had discussions about the pending rash of anti Semitism that would erupt when the people found out guys with obviously Semitic names had gamed them. Patrick Bryne does not tolerate Religious Intolelrance in any way/shape or form.

    If you look at the original article, and check the comments, you'll see it has started. Then, some Blogger put the Adj. "Jewish" infront of the Salt Lake article with Patrick's picture. making it appear he condoned anti - Semitism, which couldn't be farther from the truth. I was going to comment, but decided to flip it to him with the simple comment "I think you'd better look at this". You'll see his comment below. As usual, simple - brilliant.

    Notice the author says, "CEO says..........." He never would say such a thing.
    #13     Mar 6, 2008
  4. ElCubano


    it has been happening for years...the biggest victims are otcbb and pink sheeters; where paper can be easily printed. Companies that can easily be pounded , where the avg joe can't short....they just print un registered paper...peace

    here is one example...
    #14     Mar 6, 2008
  5. i ignore USXP. There are many of these companies where the company officials are in on it. That's going to happen when the money is this big.

    I focus on companies who trust Wall St., who come to raise cash for an idea, and Wall St. destroys the Company.
    Many companies start listed, and end up on the BB where they die that slow death.

    Go look at Herb Greenberg's blog. Compare his negative stories to the Reg Sho list. it's almost 100%. Clouseau could figure this out.
    #15     Mar 6, 2008
  6. I'm not sure about "crazed lunatic" or anything like that...perhaps just uninformed about the process. BTW, I have never trader Overstock.

    What if all this short selling was done maliciously, and then a short squeeze took place, and the stock was run up dramatically? I doubt he would be complaining.

    He states that the naked short sellers can buy the stock at much lower prices....well, only if there are sellers at those lower prices. Elimination of the uptick rule didn't really have anything to do with this, and "3 day settlement" has nothing to do with it.

    Perhaps a losing balance sheet, a book value of $1.00 with the stock trading at nearly $9.00 ... a 9 to one Price to Book?

    A bit paranoid I might suggest.


    #16     Mar 6, 2008
  7. RedDuke


    Naked shorts are real. If I am not mistaken SEC reg SHO was created to address this issue, but it does not have any enforcement. Which is currently being changed. I read something along these lines in WSJ over the last week.
    #17     Mar 6, 2008
  8. First time I ever disagreed with you. Paranoid? Talk to some of these CEO's. Some were threatened, some didn't have the money to pursue it. Some simply thought they could 'grow ' their way out of it. They aren't here anymore.

    With the reams of information out there, there is no reason know not to acknowledge this morass.

    I wonder how you'd feel, Don, If Bright were being targeted by an entity in Las Vegas, or at FINRA. How would you feel if you believed you were being unfairly targeted? That you're ability to run a business, to keep obligations you made, were being affected?

    I suggest you read the blogs on They have just begun. the good stuff is coming.

    Maybe you're just lucky that you're so successful, that nobody messes with you. But I'll tell you there are money managers who run billions that know they're being gamed because they play fair, and they've had enough also. Can't really put that here, but it's happening. I have no reason to lie.

    By the way. The biggest names in finance told Bryne to forget this. That it was "too big". That's who leads us. Problems are too big, so we ignore them, hoping they go away. Subprime anyone?????

    I hear Patrick has a dossier he carries around. It's a thou pages or more, and he takes it to the Hill, the Feds. You're not far from him. I'll set it up. He doesn't know who you are. If you'd like to hear the story face to face, PM me. I 'll be able to set it up. Maybe you can get some new sneakers or something.

    I can't expound, but it's game, set match for the Street. Go back, look at my threads, tell me where I"ve lied, or even been wrong. This was one hell of a fight, and as a dark side guy told me, "subprime was the best thing that ever happened to you.' I doubt if several hundred thou homeowners will agree, but what the hell.
    #18     Mar 6, 2008
  9. Hi reason to not disagree with me, LOL.

    I'm not disputing the fact that backroom tactics take place on Wall Street, and always have. All I was addressing was the naked short selling. The Crash of '29 was caused, in part, by the lack of the uptick rule and Joseph Kennedy was a big profiteer from such tactics...that's why they appointed him first head of the SEC, and he put the uptick rule in place. "Fox in charge of hen house" type of thing.

    I was addressing the mechanics of borrowing stock, as I have to go through the hoops everyday to insure my traders are all totally in compliance with the rules, and so I know that stock is borrowed by Goldman.

    And, again, by simply checking fundamentals, I see that OSTK is horrible in that regard...and sometimes stock prices reflect simple fundamentals, as they should, IMO.

    I defer to you on the other part of Mr. Byrne's claims, as I admittedly have not been following the story very close.

    All the best....(Now get back to the Jokes thread, LOL).


    #19     Mar 6, 2008
  10. toc


    Remember few days after Katarina storm in New Orleans..........everyone was suspecting some Russian foulplay and in the end it was the 'water levy' breakdown which caused the flooding.

    Seems any thing even 1/10th as majore is blamed on exotic and foreign sources which are common enemies to the public eye. What would have happened if that Korean psyhopath who killed dozens at V-Tech was not Korean but some Arab or Russian or Chinese.

    Lastly, while Russian mafia is strong organization but in the west (upto my limited knowledge) they are mostly into common crimes like drugs, prostitution etc. and most of the 'exotic' stuff is aimed at Russian immigrants in the west.
    #20     Mar 6, 2008