Russia waiting for collase and breakup of USA

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by bond tr4der, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. United We Stand
    #41     Nov 25, 2008

  2. As i recall throughout history settlements were set up near a large source of fresh water. So if there is ever a hard time getting fresh water we here in Michigan have got it made.

    Yes the auto makers have been screwing up for 20 years, what about Wall St. They screwed up as well.

    Why should Wall St. or the auto's get a bail out? Systemic risk you say. Give me a break, they are stealing from taxpayers to perpetuate garbage.

    Keep lowering those interest rates like it's actually doing something Bernanke, you friggn idiot. Have you ever heard of deflation?

    It's really amazing to me that these idiot economists keep trying to model the economy after they haven't been able to "foresee" a business cycle collapse ever. I think Soros was onto something with reflexivity. While Nobel prize winning economist have had a multi-billion dollar hedge fund blow up in their face and now the entire modern financial economy. Nice work guys, i guess hours of financial modeling and complex equations worked.

    Economics is not a hard science you fools.

    Friggn Idiots

    That is all
    #42     Nov 25, 2008
  3. 4XQs


    I agree - the imminent collapse of USA is a totally crazy theory. WTF - One of the parts is gonna be Native American? This Russian guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
    #43     Nov 25, 2008
  4. eagle


    If the superpower collapse by just losing half of what it made last year then the whole world deserve to collapse simultaneously.
    #44     Nov 25, 2008
  5. the only thing russia can do is sell oil, and have their kids hack people's bank accounts and steal credit card numbers
    #45     Nov 25, 2008
  6. GTG


    I don't doubt that eventually the United States will dissolve along similar lines to what he proposes, but this guy's time-line is wrong, and the causes are wrong. The US will dissolve AFTER Russia and China do. Once there is no global threat, there is no reason to pay for a large central government to support a large military for protecting us from threats like Russia and China. But as long as Russia and China are potential dangerous threats, we'll be too scared to ever separate out into smaller countries no matter how bad it gets. His comment about annexing Alaska is a good case in point.
    #46     Nov 25, 2008
  7. eagle


    Alaska was once belonged to Russia, not to Canada?

    #47     Nov 25, 2008
  8. I don't think Canada has any influence over any northern states. It would be more likely that some of Canada's 10 provinces and 2 territories would become US States, such as Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon

    I always thought the US paid Russia $7 million for Alaska, which would make it even a better deal than the beads paid to the Indians for Manhattan.

    Trading guru
    #48     Nov 25, 2008
  9. Yes ...... US bought Alaska from Russia for $7 million on March 30, 1867. Canada become a country on July 1, 1867.
    #49     Nov 25, 2008
  10. With what . . . the crumbling ruble???
    #50     Nov 25, 2008