Russia Is Only Down 75 Percent YTD

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by libertad, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. i hope you are aware that some mods here are russian. they will report your ip to putin if asked to do so.
    #31     Nov 21, 2008
  2. Bring it.

    If they can navigate through multiple gateways and an IP changer across a community wifi, I'll buy them a shot of Vodka an then tell them to LET RUSSIA DIE.

    Don't worry, be happy.:D I like and respect all mods for what they do, but if a few mods cannot take cuts like this amidst the slew of cuts against Americans, they have no place in a global forum such as this, and have my permission to kiss my ass in the crack while I shit down their throats. Hope that answers your query of how I really feel about Russians who act like pricks. The Russian friends I have hate mother Russia and wish it would die a nuclear death. You be sure to let me know if you need more information. :)
    #32     Nov 21, 2008
  3. Cesko



    They contract by 700,000 people every year. Good thing too. Fuck the scum.
    #33     Nov 21, 2008
  4. Mecro


    At least they actually trade. As opposed to spamming their imaginary success & self-importance, you racist piece of shit.

    Make sure you don't travel far outside your Bumblefuck trailer park.
    #34     Nov 21, 2008
  5. Mecro


    Stop lying, you don't have any friends. 900 number sex phone line operators don't count.
    #35     Nov 21, 2008
  6. d08


    Now that's a real Russian for you. There are intelligent Russians but they are few and far between, they usually don't start a lot of shit. There are a lot of trash Russians who have emigrated. Personal experience, met thousands of Russians.
    Germany has apologized for its wrongdoings, however Russians are still proud of their own own Hitler (Stalin) and I've never heard any apologies for Hiroshima/Nagasaki genocide on the US side. Sorry for going OT.
    As for the Russian market - beware, when things are good there probably won't be problems getting the money out but if things get bad you might end up losing it all by some "special order" from Putin, that explains part of the 75% drop - the Russian market does not appear fundamentally secure anymore.
    #36     Nov 21, 2008
  7. Mecro


    Uhm what? US-EU is like a ciesta comparing to emerging markets. Those who can't handle the heat go to US-EU and then get slowly chopped up.

    The experienced traders have been shorting RTS since early summer. My dad has been talking about it since the start of the year, he smelled it coming.
    #37     Nov 21, 2008
  8. d08


    WW2 Nazi Germany deaths 7,293,000
    WW2 Soviet deaths 23,100,000
    That's why you don't hear about "Russian efficiency".
    #38     Nov 21, 2008
  9. dozu888


    no wonder russian chicks are all so hot.... the ugly ones are all genetically selectively eliminated.
    #39     Nov 21, 2008
  10. jem


    I thought I would comment about the apologies.

    people do not have to apologize for for fighting back and ending a war.

    It is a shame people die in war. The fault for those deaths lies with the side starting the war. Especially an unjust war.

    Not many americans are stupid enough to apologize for ending a war started by the bombing pearl harbor.
    #40     Nov 21, 2008