
Discussion in 'Politics' started by SWINGTRADER77, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. Gibberish.

    You are on record for stating that innocent civilians are basically worthless and deserving of being killed.

    I do not share this belief, nor will I ever.

    Make no mistake about it - the gulf that separates us is vast.
    #31     Aug 10, 2008
  2. On the views of Patton ...

    What a moronic bigot :)

    I was an intelligence operator for NATO communication while in the military, and as anyone who have read NATO intelligence reports on russian forces can confirm - the russians have wildly impressive logistical capabilities. They move divisions like is impossible in NATO context, and take decisions easier and faster than the centralist NATO doctrine allows.

    They surely have some crazy-ass military traditions where their partying and veteran discharge causes some good amusement when reading through mostly boring intelligence reports.
    #32     Aug 10, 2008
  3. This story is balderdash. I just talked to my daughter who lives near Atlanta. Not only are there no war planes overhead or smoke on the horizon, she claims that the Dawgs are ranked # 1 in the early polls. I think the thread starter should check his facts before spreading rumors of the Commies invading Dixie.

    Rennick out:cool:
    #33     Aug 10, 2008
  4. But patton was talking about WW2, contextually, right?

    As for being a racist and moronic bigot, Churchills plan to invade via the balkans, a strategy designed to both knock the germans back, but mostly stop the russians getting a foothold in western europe seems practically brilliant, now.
    Nobody trusted Stalin, if only hitler hadn't been a megolomaniac nutcase ww2 may well have been against the soviets.
    #34     Aug 11, 2008
  5. ya like your existence

    yes humans are worthless

    still doesn't change the fact that you are sick

    ya you are stupid and I am a TSA officer
    #35     Aug 11, 2008
  6. Oh great, we have a sociopathic TSA officer.

    Can you imagine what this maroon would do if he discovered a suicide bomber with an explosive belt?

    "Ah fuck it, go ahead, get on the plane. Those worthless motherfuckers deserve to die anyway. Go get 'em, Mohammed!"
    #36     Aug 11, 2008
  7. If I was an American patriot, I'd probably say we should give Russia a smack to show them that there will be trouble when they step over the line. The message they're getting now is that they're powerful enough to do whatever they want. I'd want to let them know they're not. If I was an adviser to Bush however, I would probably ask him to do exactly as he's doing. After all, Georgia did screw up, and after Russia has punished them enough, they will get out and everything will get back to normal (except for the fact that Russia now knows with certainty how free they are to use their powers).

    If you're asking me personally what I think should be done, I really haven't made up my mind. Before we do anything, we need to understand exactly what Russia wants to be in the future. Unlike you though, I'm not emotionally invested in any of these issues (Russia, Iraq, Israel, Iran), I simply observe and comment out of interest in history and world affairs, in what is happening. As long as my country doesn't get involved, that is.

    Because of the way the US acts in other situations and towards other peoples, the double standards will show no matter what Bush does. Tough luck, but that's what you get from speaking with a new tongue for each case. Realpolitik mixed with incompetent leadership really sucks - that's a fact of life, not my fault.

    As for accepting Georgia into Nato, I think it was wise to let them sort out their troubles before letting them join. If Georgia was already in Nato, the situation today would have been very different. I don't see why I should fight and die for the Georgian Presidents need to follow up on promises he made before getting elected. I really don't think it's anybodies business what nation Ossetia belongs to, other than those who live on the land. Spineless? No, we're not spineless, we just don't like sending our young citizens to die for nothing. Unlike you, we would never support sending our sons and daughters to fight a meaningless war, just so a few companies can make two bucks. Life is still valuable here.
    #37     Aug 13, 2008
  8. LOL
    #38     Aug 13, 2008
  9. Yes, how dare I try to see this from more than my own perspective, shame on me.

    You should try to take your head out of your ass once in a while. Breath the fresh air.
    #39     Aug 14, 2008
  10. How dare you try to smear a country and accuse it of hypocrisy when you admit that you have no idea what you want this country to do and if you had to do something you'd do exactly the same thing. You are the hypocrite and no one else.
    #40     Aug 14, 2008