Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. <img src=>

    Worth repeating... oh LOL... Hitler with tits .... :p
    so true :p
    #11     Apr 30, 2006
  2. Rush Limbaugh is not like any other Dr. Shopper.

    He is a major media figure in which legions of ditto heads daily spew "mega dittos" in their adulation of his position as "Talent on loan from GOD."

    He denounced drug addicts, elevating himself to a moral authority on drug addiction.

    I actually listened to Rush's first program after his rehab stint. For the first time he actually sounded human as he spoke of rehab and the recovery process.

    It lasted for 1 show....

    Then he was back to ground zero in his constant attacks of the personal flaws and ad hominem attacks of those who have opposing opinions.....

    As George Bush is a dry drunk, Limbaugh is a dry drug addict.....

    #12     Apr 30, 2006
  3. Pabst


    Worth repeating? So you think that a commentator/satirist is the moral equivalent of a political leader who caused millions to die? I'd rethink your statement.
    #13     Apr 30, 2006
  4. So when we compare a person to a historical figure for the sake of satire, especially when we are satirizing a satirist, verbally painting a caricature, the way a cartoonist exaggerates the drawing of a chin or forehead....and when we do make a comparison of one person's behavior to a historical figure, do we have to make a complete and total comparison, or is it possible that we are just comparing one aspect of an historical figure's personality, not all aspects.

    Coulter is Hitleresque in her brand of fascist dogmatic totalitarian comments, so Hitler with Tits is a perfect way to satirize her....

    Coulter dishes out more shit than an elephant with diarrhea. If she can dish, she can take....

    <img src=>

    Of course we all know the bottom line though, Ann doesn't care what you call her, as long as you buy her books....

    #14     Apr 30, 2006
  5. Who cares?
    #15     Apr 30, 2006
  6. The house-hold nic name for my mother is "Frau Hitler".
    So lighten up Francess.

    And, Coulters public views and antics resemble the bastard of Germany. btw, she's not a satarist in the least, She's a polarizing, politically commenting hack who thrives on selling her books of bullshit. No I'm not a democrat...
    #16     Apr 30, 2006
  7. BSAM


    Q.---What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and all the drug addicts and illegal drug dealers who populate our prisons all across the U.S.A.?

    A.---I'd guess somewhere around 150 million dollars.
    #17     Apr 30, 2006
  8. No different than most of hollywood, or a lot of wealthy individuals who get caught doing stupid things. The disgust and outrage needs to be constant here. To be disgusted with one entertainer and not another is not acceptable.

    FYI - Ditto's as used by the legions means, "Hello, love your show!" as they use it.

    Many in hollywood claim that drugs are bad, big cars are bad, poor manners are bad, yet they indulge in all of these practices. Pure hippy-crits!

    #18     Apr 30, 2006
  9. On the death of Jerry Garcia.

    "....just another dead doper..."

    --Rush Limbaugh--
    #19     Apr 30, 2006
  10. ".---What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and all the drug addicts and illegal drug dealers who populate our prisons all across the U.S.A.?

    A.---I'd guess somewhere around 150 million dollars."

    this is the kind of rubbish i saw long before the settlement came down

    fact: he made a settlement for DR SHOPPING. this is a minor offense, even as faR as possessory offenses go. talk to any defense attorney or prosecutor who specializes in drug cases if u don't understand this

    fact: he has NO priors. drug addicts in prisons almost ALWAYS have either prior after prior, etc. he doesn't

    there is no double standard. and fwiw, i am AGAINST the war on drugs (in most aspects), but it's absurd and based on ignorance to claim rush got special treatment. dr shopping is not taken seriously

    he did have a prescription for oxycontin. then, he became addicted, and "dr shopped" so he could get more of them at the same time to feed his addiction. (assuming it did in fact happen for the sake of argument).

    this is illegal, and is abuse of a schedule II substance (although oxycontin was only recently made CII iirc and was probably CIII for much of the time this occurred)... regardless, if u don't understand this, then ask a drug prosecution expert if people routinely go to jail for first offense , if they are charged with dr. shopping.
    the answer is no
    #20     Apr 30, 2006