Rush gets himself in trouble...damn liberals!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bungrider, Oct 2, 2003.

    #61     Oct 3, 2003
  2. So it's okay for a conservative to wrangle a deferment or a medical infirmity for a 4F (like Rush's anal cysts), but not for someone of a different political stripe.

    They could have used a good fighter pilot in Nam I suppose. But I am sure Americans breathed a sigh of relief that Dubya was patroling the skies back home on vigil against any North Vietnamese air raid on the continental U.S. Except for the last 2 years when he went AWOL. What happened to the kid who served in his place then?

    What happened to the kids who served in Cheney's or Rush' place?
    #62     Oct 3, 2003
  3. I got shot.

    Hope to hell it wasn't for them!!!

    #63     Oct 3, 2003
  4. I don't give two shits if Rush has an opiate dependence problem. I've had hydro binges in my life -- my coworkers have -- family members have. Shit, we're only human. Some people break out of it and move on (myself and people close to me, thank god), but some people still need help and that's that.

    If Rush has a problem, that is a personal thing and I'm not going to let that affect my decision about him. In fact, if someone didn't have any obvious problems, I'd probably be a lot more suspicious of them.

    Everyone has all kinds of skeletons in the closet. Unfortunately once you are in the limelight, the media opens the closet for everyone to see. Some people will go apeshit about his drug problems but for those of us who live in the "real world," we'll just accept the man for who he is and if he gets help and moves on, then great.

    Otherwise, who am I to knock another man for something a lot of us go through? I'm mature enough to realize we ALL have some type of problem or another. The difference is that some of us have our dirty laundry in the open and others don't.

    Oh well, life goes on.
    #64     Oct 4, 2003
  5. first of all, what's a "hydro binge"? And secondly, have you ever listened to Rush...this guy is one of the most arrogant, judgemental, "media" personalities out there. I like to think of myself as a fairly conservative guy but Rush has one of the biggest ego's i've ever come across. now, he is going to get a taste of his on medicine (lol lol lol....sorry, bad pun) and hopefully it will humble him up a little bit.
    #65     Oct 4, 2003
  6. Hydro is hydroponically grown Marijuana.

    While I think Rush's comment was ignorant & tastless, he should have been debated instead of silenced.

    Last night I was watching Comicview on BET (I'm sure I'm not the only white guy here who occasionally watches BET.) The (black) comedian made a joke about how much he loved the movie 'Titanic', because it's so enjoyable to see all those white people dying. He then did his impersonation of a white Titanic passenger freezing to death in the frigid waters of the north Atlantic. The audience laughed enthusiastically at this.

    Now how is this comic's material any less tasteless than what Rush said? Could someone explain it to me? Where's the outrage?
    #66     Oct 4, 2003
  7. Don't think that is what he meant by "hydro"..but ask him.
    #67     Oct 4, 2003
  8. I bet I'm right. Aphie?

    It's actually possible to get high by drinking excessive amounts of regular water. Really. But I'm sure Aphie meant pot.
    #68     Oct 4, 2003
  9. You won't here any from the African-American community. You see it's easily dismissed as comedic relief. Never mind that it might be tasteless in the eyes of others. Goes back to what I addressed in my earlier post. Being black and somewhat offensive is cutting edge humor. It's classified as in your face humor and it's ok when we do it.

    I hear a mumble and hugh and cry for Rush to step down, but where was all this indignation when Jesse was on Saturday Night Live many moons ago asking for a certain "H_ _ _ _" town to not let him down. Yes, here it is again, another double standard. IMHO. :)
    #69     Oct 4, 2003
  10. I don't want to bet, but my guess is he was referring to hydrocodone.

    Right Aphie?

    #70     Oct 4, 2003