rummaging for alpha

Discussion in 'Journals' started by nukethewhales31, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. aud.usd long 10550
    usd.cny short 6.5
  2. usd.pln morning sell
    usd.huf morning sell
  3. What is the basis for these trades?
  4. Alpha Centauri
  5. Im building an automation system that uses some basic price action reading and statistics as well as combinding efficiency price payback in long term trades that will overtime stack underleveraged positions into profit while increasing yield over time in a extremely safe manner.. a system to replace my manual trading
  6. closed positions

    open aud.usd long
  7. aud.usd stop moved to be

    buy additional aud.usd
  8. New aud.usd position moved to be
    Opened new aud.usd long