Rules for Starting "making" a new thread

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Nana Trader, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. I want to know if following can be done to stop
    traders from making new repeated topic threads,
    because i have noticed while many threads on
    repeated topic created daily, most traders don't
    take part in it, and new traders questions remain

    1-Click on Start a new thread
    2-Next screen brings up a search window
    3-Asking you to put the subject of your question for "search"
    " Dear trader, please do a search before you click "No, i have
    searched the forum and couldn't find help on my question"
    4-Most probably, many same topic if not exact one, comes up.
    5-If New trader's question isn't found in those founded topics,
    then he clicks on "No" and starts posting a new subject.

    Another benifit from this would be, many old threads
    comes up again, incase many traders missed that
    topic before. Also traders who had taken part in those
    old threads will be back to follow on the same topic and
    to reply.
  2. Wouldn't be bad also, if moderators put back
    post in new thread with repeated topic back
    in to the older similar thread, and remove the
    new thread and traders follow it in the older
    thread that retrived again

    Thanks Baron