ruining threads part II

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rs7, Dec 9, 2002.

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  1. rs7


    I WAS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :( :( Rs7
    #11     Dec 9, 2002
  2. stu


    ok seven of RS..... job done you don't need to prostrate yourself.
    Don't forget you are my literary God person here on ET since DH hit the dust.
    I need to keep a mental image here !! :D :D
    #12     Dec 9, 2002
  3. wild



    aren´t you ashamed to lose such a high stake bet against an intellectual giant like OPTIONAL777 ... out of all ?

    he up on high moral grounds and you humiliated down in the dust ... hahaha


    #13     Dec 9, 2002
  4. Have you heard about the new German-Chinese restaurant?

    The food is great, but an hour later, you're hungry for power.
    #14     Dec 9, 2002
  5. Hah! You're forgetting my own vote! I find that some kind soul has already deemed me "normal." So perhaps I'll keep my vote for a tiebreaker. Gotta wonder how many votes are RS7 aliases though; he has at least two; by his own admission.

    In any event, after finding himself trapped in his usual tall tales, ol' RS7 was whining to Baron in late October. Baron solicited my viewpoint and this is my response:
    (I might add that there are now quite a few other "RS7 - Legend in My Own Mind" claims made since then. Also, in reference to his "combat" claim, he has admitted this was a lie.)



    Thank you for willing to take an objective viewpoint and I apologize if my actions cause you to waste your valuable time on this petty matter, although I'm sure RS7 considers this situation to be of some massive significance. It should be noted that most of my interaction with this individual is limited to the less topical "Chit Chat" forum.

    The veracity of any poster would not be large an issue to anyone in the normal course of events, God knows how many inaccurate scribblings and outright lies occur on the internet. RS7 constantly weaves his personal life into his commentary. He seems to be yet another of those tedious poster’s whose favorite words are “I” and “me.”

    However, in RS7's case, his constant writing about himself and his many, many accomplishments have worn thin. For example:

    "Dated a famous movie star before she was a star."

    "Played guitar at the Fillmore East with the Allman Bros."

    "Introduced Greg Allman to Cher"

    The coup de grace is a sore subject with me. I find it difficult to tolerate “combat” stories that on their very face cannot be believed. In his own words, this is RS7's,:

    "I was involved in a criminal endeavor on behalf of our Department of State. Hell, we were just tourists with cameras. And weapons for hunting. And fine press credentials too. I was technically NOT sent there to be "in combat" and even though I was shot, I never knew by whom. I have a scar, but don't know who pulled the trigger. I was captured and held prisoner along with 4 others. We were kept in a "tiger cage" (covered hole in the ground), where we froze at night and cooked during the day. Each day of that was far worse than a month in any american prison, I assure you. Our "guards" were 15 or 16 year old boys with weapons they did not know how to use. I myself did not look down and see my leg missing. But I did see it happen to someone that was no more than 20 yards from me. And I did see the look on his face. I see it still."

    Is this story believable? I think not. And one must draw the distinction between the “I made this much money in the market...” proclamation and the above, which I believe cuts into a sacred area of any true patriot of this country.

    So, have I “bashed” RS7 on this issue? Well, I certainly have challenged his veracity. Frankly, I find it compelling to inquire when he makes other gaffes that don’t match his previous declarations of fame. In his last episode, a few questions to him and it turns out, as near as I can tell, essentially he doesn’t quite remember what year he graduated from college.

    The other bothersome item for me is that of multiple aliases. I don't know whether you can check IP addresses and granted that doesn't necessarily prove anything, but I am suspicious of "RS7" and "outlaw" as being one and the same. RS7's excuse for having been caught red handed using the wrong alias to post with is that “outlaw” was at his house using his computer one evening and happened to leave it signed on to the “outlaw” account unbeknownst to RS7. Certainly possible, but highly unlikely considering the posting times at the same time of day for each, the incredulous background story he tells which in no way matches the content of the posts between these two and the fact that the “outlaw” ID never posted again after the gaffe.

    Baron, I guess the bottom line is that I think RS7 is a professional liar and consequently I think that in the course of events a certain amount of inquiry is permissible. You will note that generally that I do not use diminutives, name calling or severely profane language in my posts, unlike RS7. Surprisingly, he started a thread which condemns those very actions. I responded with several of his quotes reflecting his own profanity, it got clipped, however. Yes, I’m sure that I have crossed the line in a post or three, but generally I state my conclusions as strictly my own opinion.

    Part of the message traffic with RS7 involves his many meanderings and deviations to my simple inquiries. His vehement replies usually denouncing my suggestions that something is amiss, simply require another response. RS7 claims that I am obsessed with "bashing" him, to you and most certainly in his posts. When a liar is trapped by the very trail of facts he has left behind for all to see, that is about the only offense he has.

    A final observation: Don Bright takes a tremendous amount of abuse on these pages, like the proverbial duck, it runs right off his back and he singlehandedly takes on any and all comers. Should RS7 be any different?

    #15     Dec 9, 2002
  6. A final observation? Not likely.

    #16     Dec 9, 2002
  7. Correct!
    #17     Dec 9, 2002
  8. Yes, I suspected that you too would not be able to control yourself and keep your word.

    Have you ever looked into therapy for your OCD?
    #18     Dec 9, 2002
  9. Please quote a post where I promised non-parity with RS7's posting frequency.

    Hell, maybe RS7 can check in at the same clinic and get his pathological fibbing under control.
    #19     Dec 9, 2002
  10. ElCubano


    Thats the problem nobody but you cares if RS7 has lied or not on a internet forum (which is a place where no one lies) have become obssesed and you look like a fool....

    My vote was deleted..but I will put it up for you are a spineless spin queen, nothing would bring me greater joy than to be able to piss on your grave........:D
    #20     Dec 9, 2002
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