Royal Dutch Shell

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by victsavio, Jan 18, 2019.

  1. victsavio


    Any expert trader who trades this stock ?
  2. ZBZB


    Why not trade oil futures or oil etf?
  3. victsavio


    You gotta always build up your skills, doesn t change much as long as it s enough liquid. I was just trying to discover something interesting on the short for rds .... I m bit struggling, just wanna to know if you think too that is very difficult to short it... or maybe i m totally wrong...
    murray t turtle likes this.
  4. %%
    I look@ it sometimes, RDSA[5.2% yield] averages 3-4 million shares per day. Actually learned a lot about the oil business from RDSA paper annual report+ XOM annual report .Earnings JAN 31,2019?? [OIH has had some good downtrends, in the past 3 years] NOT a prediction; you most likely can spot some cycles in those stocks/ETFs.:cool::cool:
  5. victsavio


    found nothing consistent on the downside... yet...