
Discussion in 'Politics' started by aphexcoil, Oct 2, 2003.

  1. Great movie, but the expression "X stacks of high society" -- is that a term just used in the movie or something that has been around for awhile?

    Apparently, from the movie, a stack of high society is $10,000.

    Anyone know where the expression originates?
  2. It may be helpful in your research to know that the root term starts with "society chips" which would be those roughly in the middle of the value range. A "stack" is generally 20 chips, the "high", is simply those chips of the highest denomination available at a given house or game. For example, in a house where the highest chip value is $20, a stack of high society would be worth $4,000. As far as the origin, my guess, time wise, would be from the 1920's or 30's.
  3. In Rounders a 'stack,' though it seems not to make sense, is in reference to a tray of chips, rather than a single row within the tray.
  4. I'll have to watch it again, I do remember he asked for "three stacks of high society" when he goes to Teddy KGB's in the beginning of the story.
  5. Just watched last night, you're right... and he gets three trays of chips, which he then covers with his cap when he sees Kanish (sp?).
  6. I'll sell you a stack for $3,000.