Roulette is predictable

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by M.W., Apr 10, 2023.

  1. KCalhoun


    Exactly right, isolating and playing against the fish versus experienced players and how to win, the challenge is all of us who are experienced are competing with each other to take chips from the fish
    #41     Apr 12, 2023
  2. Overnight


    Can't you read? I said in my post that I could not read the table observe the table. Whatever. So if you are are master poker player and are so good at it, what are you doing here? Sheesh. Everyone is so good at everything without showing proof. Do you have a WSOP ring?
    #42     Apr 12, 2023
    murray t turtle likes this.
  3. easymon1


    I couldn't find that clip, could you? Post the title of it, I'll put it in the "Vids that Overnight can't post" thread at the very least. What a puss. You cause more disruption whining than just linking text to the clip.
    #43     Apr 12, 2023
  4. KCalhoun


    Ima play at horseshoe April 25 26 in Vegas, if any of you pu**ies want to play against me, bring it on baby.

    But when I take all ur chips, you've gotta let me post a photo here of me with the whole stack

    I'll bet I get zero takers lol. The only person I wouldn't want to play against is dest, he'd likely kick my azz
    #44     Apr 12, 2023
  5. wildchild


    Morthole, it seems you have missed the point entirely. You sat down at a poker once and felt you couldnt read the table so you gave up? Everyone has their own pursuits and if you dont want to pursue learning poker, that is fine, but this attitude you have about most things is you are just going to walk up and know what you are doing and be successful. It doesnt work that way in poker and sure as fuck doesnt work that way in trading. Both you can get beginners luck, but the luck runs out and so does the money.

    Secondly, who said I was this poker genius? I am better than most, but by no means do I classify myself as an expert. A WSOP ring? Why do tournaments when the cash game is where the money is at!
    #45     Apr 12, 2023
  6. wildchild


    I wont be in town then but since you referring to pussies playing you, that sort of implies the invitation was not directed towards me.
    #46     Apr 12, 2023
  7. Good1


    When you get to Vegas, ask around see if anyone knows what it means to :

    1. "Hit the 3/5 column/quad bet"
    2. "and progressively hedge until hedge meets payout"

    Maybe there is a bouncer or a waitress who knows what this means?

    Thanks in advance!
    #47     Apr 12, 2023
    rb7 likes this.
  8. %%
    Don't knoW ;
    Bloomberg News censored that article,good, LOL:D:D But uncensored Bloomberg News follows.
    Good Tech Rally + C-citigroup exits ForexTeam + cuts analysts LOL ,more good news .
    Fallen Crypto Mogul ..faces jail.
    Shell + BP are good Long Term Investments =Headlines, not predictions
    Mr Thorp did what you wondered.............................................................................; but eased out of casinos about the time someone wrecked his car brakes after casino wins LOL.
    I guess he was smarter than some to take a hint.
    #48     Jun 8, 2023
  9. Ashenbone


    It is intriguing to consider whether the individual who proved roulette was beatable, such as Niko Tosa or Edward O. Thorp, had ever explored financial trading given their intelligence and success in roulette. While I cannot provide specific details about their personal pursuits, Edward O. Thorp, for instance, is known for his expertise in mathematics, blackjack research, and investment management 1. It is worth noting that financial trading offers a different set of challenges and opportunities compared to games of chance like roulette.
    #49     Sep 25, 2023
    M.W. likes this.
  10. Gladium


    People who have mastered games such as roulette have actually considered and even moved into financial trading. For example, Edward O. Thorpe, a mathematical genius who was known to beat both blackjack and roulette, later applied his mathematical models and strategies to the financial markets
    #50     Nov 4, 2023