Roulette is predictable

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by M.W., Apr 10, 2023.

  1. Overnight


    The method matters not. At the end of your night, just tell the peeps what you went in with, and what you came out with. Win lose or draw, it will shut them up, because it will show you are real.
    #21     Apr 10, 2023
  2. Overnight


    The strikethrough is mine. Sound familiar?
    #22     Apr 10, 2023
    Sekiyo likes this.
  3. destriero


    I can walk in and change for yellow or brown chips. It's not proof. The only proof is the W-2G. Anyway, this is boring me. Find a hobby.
    #23     Apr 10, 2023
  4. Overnight


    BAM! There you go. So next filing season, you can post your W-2G. That will shut up the people here who think you are not real.
    #24     Apr 10, 2023
  5. Good1


    I used to frequent a roulette forum with quite a few active members speculating on what might work. I don't recall ever that anyone disclosed anything that actually worked, but did disclose variations that kept people entertained.

    Oh, well that's if you don't count the only two things that did work which were:

    1.) A small, very small computer you could carry in your mouth or in your shoe.
    2.) Psychic precognition.

    The site has a roulette simulation that tracks performance and keeps a leaderboard. The psychic precognition guys are always at the top of the list.

    Anyway, despite familiarity with a lot of the lingo, i don't know what you mean by "hedge", "hedge until hedge meets payout", or even "the 3/5 column quad bet".

    But yah, big difference between single 0 and double 00.
    #25     Apr 11, 2023
    Sekiyo likes this.
  6. KCalhoun


    Doesn't a simple martingale +1 progression work, at least often? I don't play roulette.... on rare occasion you might not win bc exceed table limit.

    How often would this work.

    Bet 20 black. Lose
    Bet 42 black. Lose.
    Bet 64 black. Win. Net +2

    Bet 20 red. Lose
    Bet 42 red. Lose
    Bet 64 red. Lose
    Bet 128 red. Lose.
    Bet 258 red. Win net +4

    I'm obviously ignorant of roulette bc that probably wouldn't work for some reason... but that's how I'd donkishly start.

    Best odds in casinos are playing hold em vs drunk tourists.

    Bad beat story: playing at ballys, villain seat 4 shoves preflop. I had bullets so I shoved. Heads up, everyone else folded pre. He had cowboys, hit trips on river and I got felted. Boo. My AA vs his 3 K.

    2nd bb: had KKJJJ at bellagio, heads up vs blonde hottie local. I shoved, she had quads 4K. Boo
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
    #26     Apr 11, 2023
  7. Zwaen


    Your bankroll will be wiped because the stakes become to large in a losing streak, or the table has a limit
    #27     Apr 11, 2023
    cesfx likes this.
  8. #28     Apr 11, 2023
    Sekiyo likes this.
  9. cesfx


    Because every spin has the same randomness, and it has nothing to do with the previous slot, you could get the same colour repeated for longer than your bankroll could hold a martingale.
    #29     Apr 11, 2023
    comagnum, zdreg and KCalhoun like this.
  10. newwurldmn


    #30     Apr 11, 2023
    Drawdown Addict likes this.