Ron Paul Voted Against Rules Of Engagement That Protect Our Troops

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 377OHMS, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. Mercor


    I have my issues with Ron Paul on the defense of America and American International trade.
    No other country is in position to protect International shipping lanes, International treaties and ensure the uninterrupted flow of goods.
    This may place us in the role of world policeman but better us then sharing it with China, Russia, Iran or the UN.

    We control it so we get to make the rules.

    But, never could I vote Obama. The Supreme court is in the balance. A court of Liberals could let loose the EPA, FCC, NLRB ,and national health care on us.
    #21     Aug 24, 2011
  2. Unbeknownst to this whiny ankle grabber, Ron Paul gets more contributions from active military than all other candidates combines.

    #22     Aug 24, 2011
  3. Max E.

    Max E.

    Here is the thing, I am actually very pro Israel, I think they absorb alot of shit in the middle east so we dont have to. But if we are running deficits it makes no sense to me to give money to other countries. I dont care who it is, if you cant take care of yourself, you cant take care of anyone else.

    I was born and raised in Canada, if Obama was giving Canada a few billion a year in "foreign aid" and i told everyone here i was voting for Obama, as opposed to a fiscal conservative who was going to cut that aid, what would everyone say about me? I guarantee no one would be calling me a conservative.

    And yeah, you basically summed it up, there is no way in hell i would vote for Obama regardless of the amount of Aid he was going to give to Canada, he is the definition of a trainwreck.

    #23     Aug 24, 2011
  4. Mercor


    I agree there need to be limits on how far the US should go pursuing its interests. Ron Paul wants all our national power to base on US soil. I believe this leaves our nation’s interest unprotected.

    I agree with Paul on financial aid that covers as a bribe like 3 billion going to Egypt and other places.
    #24     Aug 24, 2011
  5. pspr


    The simple fact is, if Republicans want 4 more years of Obama just nominate Ron Paul. Too many of his ideas are just rediculous.
    #25     Aug 24, 2011
  6. +1,troops love him.My guess would be because they know he would only put them in harms way to do what they were originally meant to do,defend The US
    #26     Aug 24, 2011
  7. Fail !!!!!!!
    #27     Aug 24, 2011
  8. 377OHMS



    You're a pseudo-conservative anti-semitic Ron Paul kook and a fucking foreigner obsessed with US Gabs. We should go dig him up and reanimate him because at least he had a mincy pair of faggot balls as opposed to some nutless twit who tells me I'm not a conservative.

    I was a Goldwater conservative before you were born. I was a Reagan conservative before you were jacking off. I voted for a Bush 3-times. Don't like the wars? Join Code Pink.

    Its Ron Paul who isn't a conservative and he will never get our votes. Many of us will come out against him in the General. At least Obama is killing Islamists. He may be one screwed up liberal elitist tax & spend schvartza but he is putting the bad guys into the ground in droves.

    To you anyone who disagrees is a jew or a liberal. To me anyone who nicknames themself after a feminine hygiene product needs to go on my Ignore List and you are on it jackass.
    #28     Aug 24, 2011
  9. What is it with all the Canadians obsessed with our politics?
    #29     Aug 24, 2011
  10. Max E.

    Max E.

    I have my u.s. citizenship, and pay u.s. taxes, and vote in the u.s. you dumb fuck. Yeah, nice move when all else fails call me an anti semite, because i wouldnt vote for Obama over Ron Paul. LOL.

    You would rather see the biggest spender in history, Obama elected then an actual fiscal conservative like ron paul, just because you want to see money fucked away in the middle east, on wars in support of Israel, You are not a conservative, you are a joke.

    Congratulations, you voted for bush 3 times, you must be real proud of that vote.

    #30     Aug 24, 2011