Ron Paul unimpressed with Limbaugh apology

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. +1
    #11     Mar 4, 2012
  2. +1
    #12     Mar 4, 2012
  3. Maverick74


    We have never had a thread on ET about Viagra that I can remember. But no, Viagra should not be paid for either with tax dollars. Come on, this is bullshit and you know it. When does it end? Where do draw the line? What if my kid is getting beat up at school? Will the government pay for his personal trainer or karate lessons. WTF has this country turned into?
    #13     Mar 4, 2012
  4. Give parasites an inch and they'll take a mile.
    #14     Mar 4, 2012
  5. Oh stop.
    All it is is equal access to women for the stuff they need. The pill has all kinds of beneficial side effects for women who take it, meaning that it has way more social utility than Viagra. If you guys bothered to actually listen to what this woman said you'd realize this. Actually, if you just talked to your wives/girlfriends you'd realize it.
    Do you have any idea how insensitive and just plain dumb you guys trying to defend this untenable position are looking?
    Oh and by the way: this isn't about taxpayer dollars being expended. As for the health insurance companies covering it, believe me it's way cheaper for them to do this than it is to cover even one extra birth, expensive all by itself, and then the ensuing pediatric bills, for any woman they're providing contraception for. Which is why this will go through with no problem at all. No one is going to wind up spending anything for any of this, net.
    #15     Mar 4, 2012
  6. +1

    But thinking about all the subtle aspects of this is too hard for them to do so they make it about petty selfishness and cost to them. Very simple to think about. Also sensitivity is the last thing these guys have. In fact they make fun of the whole idea.

    #16     Mar 4, 2012
  7. So you "think" it's insensitive and untenable to expect people to pay for their own contraception? You're beyond stupid. Go howl at the moon.
    #17     Mar 4, 2012
  8. Fuck off parasite. Productive people are getting tired of footing the bill for losers like you.
    #18     Mar 4, 2012
  9. 377OHMS



    I'm paying for somebodys Viagra?

    Oh fuck this. Somebody should pay for my triple venti latte each morning in the name of public safety.
    #19     Mar 4, 2012
  10. Maverick74


    You half wit. If the government didn't subsidize the price of it would drop considerably so everyone could afford it. This is what you left wing moonbats don't get. The more you subsidize something (energy, education, food, healthcare) the more it costs. Once again, the middle class gets screwed. The rich are fine, the poor get subsidized and the middle class bears the cost. When are you left wing loonies going to understand this.
    #20     Mar 4, 2012