Ron Paul...Ugh, will he ever grow up?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by a_person, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. #31     Jun 21, 2009
  2. I would venture to say that 90% of people under 30 voted for Ron Paul or Obama. I am 25. I’ll admit I used to be a typical Republican, but not anymore. I don’t agree with everything he says, but I think he sort of recognizes how young people are getting shafted nowadays.

    When I have stated around here that it was much easier for baby boomers to get ahead 30 years ago than the youth of today, I am frequently called a Socialist, Communist, lazy, not willing to put the effort in, etc. But then I ask a simple question. OK I admit I am so lazy and am not where I’d like to be simply because I didn’t “want it” enough. But then you must know some people under 30 that are doing good because of hard work. So please give me the names of at least 10 people that you know under the age of 30 who own their own home, put 10% down, and can comfortably afford it. It’s funny how when you actually ask people to back up their statements, they change the subject, critisize your post, or abandon that thread. I have so far gotten one person who says that they know somebody under 30 like this. It was his daughter who moved to Iowa so they could afford a 70k house. I personally know 1 person and I just found out this persons business was just cut in half and their house is now going into foreclosure.

    Republicans are blind to this fact and they are rightly being kicked out of office. Ron Paul recognizes that among other things, this country has lived on a credit card for the past 30 years and left the bill to the youth.
    #32     Jun 21, 2009
  3. I don't understand how you can put Ron Paul and Obama in the

    same league. One is a libertarian conservative.......the other a

    socialist, if not an outright fascist.
    #33     Jun 21, 2009
  4. Both try to help out the little guy. One the right way, one the wrong way. I say it’s better to recognize the problem and have the wrong solution than to be completely ignorant and blind to it in the first place.
    #34     Jun 21, 2009

  5. Not if it means more gov't control.
    #35     Jun 21, 2009
  6. Gigsup... I posted this earlier

    Obama and Ron Paul are similar in their social views. For the younger electorate, they may view social issues more important than taxes and government spending.

    Financially (and relevant to your socialist comment) Ron Paul and Obama are world's apart.
    #36     Jun 21, 2009
  7. +1

    Pick the lesser evil.
    #37     Jun 21, 2009
  8. Lucrum



    3 a: characteristic of or belonging to reality as perceived rather than as independent of mind : phenomenal — compare objective 1b b: relating to or being experience or knowledge as conditioned by personal mental characteristics or states4 a (1): peculiar to a particular individual : personal <subjective judgments> (2): modified or affected by personal views, experience, or background <a subjective account of the incident> b: arising from conditions within the brain or sense organs and not directly caused by external stimuli...
    #38     Jun 21, 2009
  9. Oh my gosh what a typical stupid Republican response. You’d much rather have the big rich multinational corporations and the Fed control everything than God forbid the government step in and set some rules. Credit cards jacking the interest rates to 25% on people with perfect payment history, oh no we don’t want any government control of that. Reckless mortgage company’s, oh no that’s the free market, we can’t mess with that. Why don’t you stop listening to Sean Hannity with all your little textbook market theory’s and get back into the real world for a change?
    #39     Jun 21, 2009
  10. Bush surely was against big government... he certainly did not expand it during his time in office... it's not like he extended federal programs or massively increased the budget deficit. :p :p :p
    #40     Jun 21, 2009