Ron Paul releases 4 part letter

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tsing Tao, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. It's more likely that the tit-sucking parasites will clamor for more and riot against necessary cuts... until we officially bankrupt nearly all citizens with a worthless currency. Then and ONLY THEN will they "get it"... and of course it will then be too late.
    #11     Jun 20, 2011
  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    But he has said he WILL cut defense. So I'm not sure where you're going here.
    #12     Jun 20, 2011
  3. The part on the budget is way too vague. I expected much more from R. Paul. He should have said he will balance the budget in x number of years. Saying he will veto spending that unbalances the budget implies he will only veto additional spending not spending already in place that has given us the current deficit. Unless the current deficit is cut to almost zero, interest rates will rise, regardless of how many treasuries the Fed buys.
    #13     Jun 20, 2011
  4. LEAPup


    Ron Paul is the best Presidential candidate I have ever seen. He's sadly got no chance, as the sheeple must really want to be lead to slaughter as the media does the 24 hour reporting on it.

    The leftist (90%) media doesn't want a US President who will actually do amazing things for this Country. Those stories don't sell like the negative ones do...:(
    #14     Jun 20, 2011
  5. achilles28


    Elections have degenerated into a cult of personality. It's no longer about the issues. The idiotic sheep have no idea what's relevant or why it's important. The contest is between the most down-home, simple-minded country-bumpkin the idiots can personally relate to (Carter, GW, Palin), the smoothest talking con-man the idiots think is "Presidential" (Clinton, Obama, Romney, Perry), or the biggest novelty candidate the idiots conflate as being 'anti-establishment' (Hillary, Obama, Bachman, Cain). They're female and/or Black. Ergo, they'll "change" the system. Then you've got the status quo candidates for the establishment thinkers who will not deviate one bit from our tried-and-true suicidal economic policies (Gingrich, Romney, Hunstmen, Perry, Obama). The more wars, debt and corporate graft, the better, as far they're concerned. Seriously, we're fucked.
    #15     Jun 20, 2011
  6. You started with a statement that he said he would veto any bill that puts us in deficit.

    I disagree; maybe he'll cut defense but I'd bet a bunch he won't veto a budget busting bill that contains the continuing resolution for Medicare, Social Security or Medicaid.

    IOW-I think he's BSing with that statement.

    #16     Jun 20, 2011
  7. Lucrum


    You're right, which reminds me of 2008. An elderly woman being interviewed said she was voting Obama solely because she wanted to see a black man in the WH during her lifetime. And then there was Howard Stern asking random people in the street if they approved of Obama's policies, only in reality they were actually McCain's policies.
    #17     Jun 20, 2011
  8. Lucrum


    Possibly, but for some reason I'm inclined to think he's not.
    #18     Jun 20, 2011
  9. achilles28


    You're mistaken. Ron Paul campaigns on ending the war, closing most overseas bases and gutting the defense budget. That's close to 500 Billion in savings. As far as Medicare and SS, he plans to phase it out. Yes, he won't throw granny under the bus, but read between the lines. They're unconstitutional. The Federal Government has no business providing a safety net to anyone. Paul wants to eliminate the gigantic bureaucracies and entitlement system that has bankrupted this country. That means most of these gimmie programs will take big haircuts, if not get axed all together. That's exactly what needs to be done. What you don't understand is by 2016-2017, America will go bankrupt. Paul understands this. So the point is moot. Who gets how much when. By 2016-2017, the dollar will implode and nobody will get shit. So why fool yourself? It's bankrupt. Done. Paul might triage who gets what by age or seniority, but most who paid in won't get squat. The average couple will have paid 110K into medicare and takes out over 355K. It's a straight up ponzi scheme. Social Security is broke. Every dime that was paid in to SS was invested in Treasuries, which was spent - that fiscal year - by the Government to juice the economy and keep rates low. There is nothing in the SS trust fund. It was already spent! All these entitlement systems are nothing but ponzi schemes. Taxpayers who cash out first (read: claim benefits) get way more than they ever paid into it. That's why they're both going into deficit - the bottom of the pyramid (read: the labor force) is shrinking (not growing), and retirees are living well-past their expiration date and cashing huge checks. Excuse me, but what the fuck are you oldies thinking? Not much. Just give me more fucking money and fuck the younger generation.

    The counterweight to doing away with all this socialism, is the elimination of the income tax, Federal Reserve and crushing bureaucracy. Neither inflation or Uncle Sam will rob Americans of their hard earned pay. This creates huge economic incentives for people to 1) work 2) work longer hours 3) create new business 4) expand existing business and 5) spend more money. Taxes and regulation are wealth destructive and by eliminating both, the economy will at least right itself after we go through a sharp Depression. That's unavoidable. After housing and the markets bottom after a deep, deep correction, America will get back on it's feet and rebound fast. What you don't understand is the Country needs radical fiscal change. The monetary, tax and regulatory system need to be destroyed and reinstalled with simple free market principles (sound money, no income tax, little-to-no regulation). Huge Government, taxes and fractional reserve money bubbles destroy vast sums of wealth and the incentives to work, invent and make. Our economic system is entirely parasitical designed to siphon off wealth from the middle class and hand it to Bankers and Government. Either we end it in 2012, or America will get turned upside down.
    #19     Jun 20, 2011
  10. achilles28


    Very true. It's a complete joke. Voter ignorance is astonishing. It's really a popularity contest. Who's the most likable determined by 3 second sound bites and moronic jingo-ism.
    #20     Jun 20, 2011