Ron Paul Rejects Evolution

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. So Ron Paul is a nut case. What else is there to discuss?
    #21     Dec 28, 2007
  2. I have been watching everything closely, as I have since 1980 (yes, I voted for Reagan. Twice). Anyway, this election is by far more fluid than any I have seen before. Not because the polls are fixed, but because there is no front runner. ALL the candidates have problems. The polls have been all over the map, even during earlier, more traditional primary seasons of elections past. There is a reason for this. They usually use a population too small, and right after a debate or speech. Also, fully half the population usually has no absolute choice of candidate by now either, so they constantly change their minds. But even so, no polls give Paul double digits, and I can see why. Unless you believe that the Fed Gov is completely corrupt, Paul comes across as entertaining at best. Most people are not happy with our Fed Gov because it is composed of politicians who behave as politicians always have. Guess what? They always will. Now a benevolent dictator would solve a bunch of problems, but that's another can of worms altogether.

    Anyway, I strongly disagree with two of your statements, as I believe most people would.

    1) The "mainstream" polling is fixed. What would they possibly have to gain by this? And they are all fixed to the same result? Sorry, I've been watching this process for a long time, and although it is so fluid its somewhat of a joke, its not fixed. This would just make the pollsters look like idiots, which they hate (yeah, they often look like idiots anyway). Not all the polling is by left leaning CBS or right leaning FOX, but they come to the same general conclusions anyway, although the numbers vary widely from day to day. What would Rasmussen, Zogby, or Gallup gain by falsifying polls? That is their business. Prez polling is but a small part of what they do. They would not sabotage their polling rep for anything, or they would be history.

    Please don't tell me you are a conspiracy nut with 9/11 as well. Although it would explain a lot.

    2) Paul's recent fund raising related to his overall popularity. I commend Paul, and especially his supporters for his success in bringing in the cash. The thing is, however, that although he has very dedicated, even fanatical followers who donate like mad, they are far in the minority. His overall appeal has not budged in weeks. Although you choose to ignore those numbers even though every single poll has him below 10%. His followers definitely donate. This does not mean he is gaining traction. The guy is just way too radical. I personally enjoy the guy, but certainly wouldn't want him upending the entire system. We need to do this bit by bit. First cut the hell out of spending, and the rest of the mess should fall in line (priorities).

    My 2 cents worth.

    #22     Dec 28, 2007
  3. Many religious people reject evolution. They are taught since birth that God created us as we are, period. This is nothing new. Rejecting science may seem insane, but it is quite common. My brother still believes that the earth is only 5 or 6 thousand years old, true to the teachings of his religion. Believes carbon dating of dinos is a conspiracy as well. This is from a 50 year old college grad!

    Never under estimate the power of brainwashing.
    #23     Dec 28, 2007
  4. Turok


    >Please don't tell me you are a conspiracy nut
    >with 9/11 as well. Although it would explain a lot.

    He is. It does.

    #24     Dec 28, 2007
  5. jayford,

    just vote for CFR Huckabee or CFR Giuliani or CFR Romney or CFR Thompson or maybe even CFR McCain and enjoy the planned collapse of this once great country's monetary system.
    #25     Dec 28, 2007
  6. nevadan


    Not to put too fine a point on things, but carbon 14 dating has an extreme range of 100k years so dating dinos is well beyond that. There are many other isotopes with half lives that do have an effective range for that though. Ask your brother sometime how he might explain the annual ice accumulations in the Greenland ice sheet that are continuous for >200k years. A weather conspiracy perhaps?:confused:
    #26     Dec 28, 2007
  7. Yeah you're right, he is a politician that speaks the truth about issues that really matter.

    While the rest of professional liars just toil around BS issues, leading morons like you around on a string. Then when things get even worse and the nation continues to deteriorate they feed you more lies upon lies. Like the morons that you are, you believe them.

    Who do you think Ron Paul supporters are? Nutcases? Or those completely disenfranchised with current politics?
    Should point to you just how many people are sick of the bullsh*t Washington spits out and have become immune to their lies. The next question I wonder is, just how stupid are those of you who actually keep believing it?

    P.S. Who cares what Ron Paul thinks about evolution, he even says that he thinks it's an inappropriate question. Instead, why don't they ask the other candidates about the state of American currency.
    #27     Dec 28, 2007
  8. I'd love for you to speak with my bro, but its like speaking to a wall. I'm an atheist who finds it embarrassing that anyone can believe in an all powerful being, who just happened to create over 100 religions, and won't make himself known.
    Ever. Geez!

    PS 100 years ago we thought God created earthquakes and lightning. It will take proof of the process of amino acids somehow forming life before it is settled. May take awhile. What the religious sect cant possibly comprehend is how long 3 BILLION years is. Earth + 4.5 Bil.

    1st single celled bacteria + 3 BILLION years.

    Far more plausible than some being, who happens to look like us, and then creating 100's of versions of himself so that to this day we can slaughter each other.
    #28     Dec 28, 2007
  9. Many university graduates never learn how to think critically. Many traders never do either.
    #29     Dec 28, 2007
  10. Please tell me you are an adult (over 25), and I will say no more.

    no offense Bro, but you are obviously a young buck who hasn't done this before.


    Then call me.


    San Diego.

    (anyone else as well).
    #30     Dec 29, 2007