Ron Paul on the Dollar Problem

Discussion in 'Economics' started by tyler19, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. I am with you there man. This situation makes me sick. We keep paying more and more taxes for less and less progress. Total Garbage.

    What people don't understand is that Ron Paul advocates following the CONSTITUTION. Imagine that!

    That is why he has these "crazy" views. Because our Founding Fathers had the same crazy views of small government, no BS, no oppression. There were no crazy taxes, no FED, no FDA, none of that commercial crap. That is what we have to go back to, or AT LEAST start making some sort of progress towards, or we are screwed.

    Ron Paul is the ONLY one who advocates what this country was founded on. ANYONE who is a true patriot and a true American will support this, anyone else seriously just doesn't get it.

    Here's to the Amero if Paul doesn't get the office. Just watch and see.
    #21     Nov 29, 2007
  2. tyler19


    Sounds like you love to let the government control your life. I'm pretty sure that I can decide on my own if I would like to try drugs, or opt out of social security.
    #22     Nov 29, 2007
  3. What? You're from Virginia right? To start the FDA is the FOOD & Drug Administration.... not just drugs. His issue is largely related to supplements and foods, not just pharmaceuticals (including the ones that get ya fucked up). So you're saying you illegally take drugs that the FDA hasn't put its stamp of approval on and you evade SS tax? Here's a cookie. Now wouldn't it be nice to be granted those rights by law?

    And in fairness to the person who criticized Huckabee for saying he would abolish the IRS but had no plan. From what I understand he supports the "FairTax" which is a system structured on sales tax rather than income tax. I don't know much about it other than that though.
    #23     Nov 29, 2007
  4. BSAM


    My friend you are completely uninformed. Huckabee is a promoter of the "Fair Tax" plan. Google it. I'm almost certain you will be delighted.
    #24     Nov 29, 2007
  5. BSAM


    Ron Paul will never be elected President. The majority of the people in this country are too damn stupid / uninformed / government-dependent to elect such an individual.
    #25     Nov 29, 2007
  6. tyler19


    I know what the FDA is. When I said drugs I meant Marijuana and the likes. How would I evade SS Tax? Last time I knew employers take that out automatically.

    Message from Ron Pauls Site about FDA:

    Americans are justifiably concerned over the government’s escalating intervention into their freedom to choose what they eat and how they take care of their health.

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in order to comply with standards dictated by supra-national organizations such as the UN‘s World Food Code (CODEX), NAFTA, and CAFTA, has been assuming greater control over nutrients, vitamins and natural health care providers to restrict your right to choose the manner in which you manage your health and nutritional needs.

    I have been the national leader in preserving Health Freedom.

    I have introduced the Health Freedom Protection Act, HR 2117, to ensure Americans can receive truthful health information about supplements and natural remedies.

    I support the Access to Medical Treatment Act, H.R. 2717, which expands the ability of Americans to use alternative medicine and new treatments.

    I oppose legislation that increases the FDA‘s legal powers. FDA has consistently failed to protect the public from dangerous drugs, genetically modified foods, dangerous pesticides and other chemicals in the food supply. Meanwhile they waste public funds attacking safe, healthy foods and dietary supplements
    #26     Nov 29, 2007
  7. sprstpd


    Or maybe they know better?

    I like Ron Paul's economic initiatives, but to support his social policies borderlines on being psychotic.
    #27     Nov 29, 2007
  8. Paul's social policies are that the Federal government should have less involvement in social policies. How is that psychotic ? The opposite of that is a huge nanny state.
    #28     Nov 29, 2007
  9. sprstpd


    He does not believe in separation of church and state. He is arguably a white supremacist. He would overturn abortion law if given the chance. Does that not given anyone pause?
    #29     Nov 29, 2007
  10. tyler19


    You are an Idiot. Show any proof that he is a white supremacist. He would overturn Abortion law because ITS NOT THE GOVERMENTS JOB TO DETERMINE SUCH A LOCAL ISSUE. He has said repetadly that this is a state issue and should be dealt with at local levels.
    #30     Nov 29, 2007